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"..With You.."

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viper548 said:
What about pilots starting their radio call with "and" e.g. "and tower, flight 100 with you on the visual 36"

For the life of me I can't stop saying that for some reason. I guess I've just heard it from so many people over the radio that it just got stuck in my head. I try to stop, but I just can't. Somebody help me. :)
FracCapt said:
These sound more like complaints you'd hear from a student pilot rather than a 21,000 hour pilot. Get a life dude. Is it hurting you when people say things like that? I thought not. I'd be willing to bet your phraesology is not up to perfect standards, just like most of us.

You're an idiot.

I suppose the next thing we will get to listen to on the radio will be you saying "dude." As I have told the old guys that have been retired for a while from the business: If you want to know how bad the industry has become, get a scanner and listen to ATC for a while. That will tell you all you need to know.
I almost got Unsat'd on a checkride once for using "with you." I did learn to fly at a small flight school in Daytona that rhymes with Embry-Riddle. Therefore, I don't use "with you" ever.

My only pet peeve is "On the hold." I don't even know what that means. I know it loosely translates to "position and hold," but its just a jumble of words. Just say, "position and hold."
Captain- Did you sign up to FlightInfo just to post your gripe? With 21,000hrs you might be spending a little too much time in the cockpit.
ERfly said:
I almost got Unsat'd on a checkride once for using "with you." I did learn to fly at a small flight school in Daytona that rhymes with Embry-Riddle. Therefore, I don't use "with you" ever.

My only pet peeve is "On the hold." I don't even know what that means. I know it loosely translates to "position and hold," but its just a jumble of words. Just say, "position and hold."

Good point. Everytime I hear that "on the hold" stuff it sort of reminds me of the verbiage that helped the KLM and Pan Am 747s smack together in the fog back in 1977. Yet, as you pointed out, you still hear that one all the time.
Mugs said:
I suppose the next thing we will get to listen to on the radio will be you saying "dude." As I have told the old guys that have been retired for a while from the business: If you want to know how bad the industry has become, get a scanner and listen to ATC for a while. That will tell you all you need to know.

I'm sure you've been flying SOOOOO much longer than I have. :rolleyes: Has anybody ever told you how cool you are? I'm sure you hear it from everybody you fly with.

Don't like the way I talk? Get over it. I'm sure we'll never fly together....and, if we did, and you are the same in person as you are over the internet....you'd be on my no fly list pretty quick.

Have a nice day, Captain Perfection.
I thought I remember something about ATC not being able to assign a speed less than 210Kts more than 20NM from the airport or less than 170Kts within 20NM (turbojet). If a pilot asks what they need, that might be a way to give ATC the speed they need you at but can't assign.

Nice thought but I was referring to flight levels.

I will also add "here we go..." to the list.

Oh yeah...one of the lamest. Can you imagine if everyone said that at the end of their clearances?

.....three three oh.

Reminds me...what's the deal with the "oh's"? It's "zero". Try flying in some other parts of the world and use "oh" instead of zero and you might get an earful.

Ok boys, while we're at it....how do you feel about responding to "cleared for take-off" with "on the roll" or worse yet, "on the go" instead of "cleared for take-off"? (and it might be nice to include the runway if multiple runways are in use).

I have been flying for over 30 years and I find pilot radio phraseology has gone down the tubes in that time. You would NEVER find anyone saying "on the roll" 30 years ago.
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FracCapt said:
I'm sure you've been flying SOOOOO much longer than I have. :rolleyes: Has anybody ever told you how cool you are? I'm sure you hear it from everybody you fly with.

Don't like the way I talk? Get over it. I'm sure we'll never fly together....and, if we did, and you are the same in person as you are over the internet....you'd be on my no fly list pretty quick.

Have a nice day, Captain Perfection.

Harsh dude. Totally.

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