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When is the PinnaColaba list effective?

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This isn't requal or differences training. You will be qualifying under a new training program for a different airline that is overseen by a different FSDO. This is no different that you quitting Mesaba and going to work for another airline. Coincidentally, that's what you'll be doing. Welcome to Pinnacle!

Yes, and they have had four months to figure out how to do that. The answer to the thread's question is that the vacancies should be open right now. We don't know if the company is ready or not, but they should be ready because they are open. If they don't honor that, then there will probably be bypasses, people sitting on their ass while they figure it out, or somenoe getting 200 captain pay while they are an FO. It's not our problem the company can't honor our contract, but damn straight they are going to compensate someone when they don't follow it.
Welcome to Memphis. You must be new here.

I know you were joking, but that is the prevailing theme with 9E. Do you guys pursue compensation when the company doesn't abide by the contract? I can't help but think that is why things got so bad. The company breaches the contract and the pilots just roll over and say that's how things are done here, so it's okay.
This isn't requal or differences training. You will be qualifying under a new training program for a different airline that is overseen by a different FSDO. This is no different that you quitting Mesaba and going to work for another airline. Coincidentally, that's what you'll be doing. Welcome to Pinnacle!
Then our combined airline would grind to a complete halt, and a BK follow, because it would take 11 months to train 700 pilots on a 3 week training cycle. We have had it implied in recurrent as a couple days ground school, an oral (since you to not have written in leu of), a PC, and an abbreviated OE/Line Check. And until we complete that, we can only fly with XJ people. The program timeline is up to your FSDO, and is different than any of your past training events, you cannot compare this to those. Coincidentally, I did not quit, but thank you for the warm welcome.
Whoah, whoah, whoah...9E pilots need to take an oral every year? This merger keeps getting better and better.

I wouldn't call it an oral. The brief for the PC/Loft normally has some questions involved as you discuss current training points. Nothing to worry about.
Then our combined airline would grind to a complete halt, and a BK follow, because it would take 11 months to train 700 pilots on a 3 week training cycle. We have had it implied in recurrent as a couple days ground school, an oral (since you to not have written in leu of), a PC, and an abbreviated OE/Line Check. And until we complete that, we can only fly with XJ people. The program timeline is up to your FSDO, and is different than any of your past training events, you cannot compare this to those. Coincidentally, I did not quit, but thank you for the warm welcome.

What I'm hearing is that it's the same course that the MOU pilots went through. That was about 3-3.5 weeks with OE. Not sure how they will deal with 9E pilots who are able to bid to the Mesaba side prior to integration. Either way, seamless operations are still over 15 months away.
I know you were joking, but that is the prevailing theme with 9E. Do you guys pursue compensation when the company doesn't abide by the contract? I can't help but think that is why things got so bad. The company breaches the contract and the pilots just roll over and say that's how things are done here, so it's okay.

Pursue, yes. But with the RLA and a company policy of STFU and fly, what can you do? Only a finite number of grievances can be taken to the System Board of Adjustment and termination cases, of which there are plenty, take precedence.

Spanjers and the lot were perfect gentlemen compared to these folks. For the most part they are a frightening synthesis of stupid and mean. That's not hyperbole. These are some of the most base, craven people I have ever met. I left ten years ago and it has only gotten worse since. Good luck.
You've convinced yourself that you know the specific definition of "announced" and who is able to do the announcing. I'm not sold on the idea that the list has been announced yet.

I think the transition from Mesaba jet to pinnacle jet is about a 3 week program plus OE.

If the program was set up by our MSP FSDO, I'd agree. If it was approved by your MEM FSDO, I am guessing it's 30 minutes of study on your own, packet is in your mailbox, test online. OE is next week. HINT, our memo says drug testing this week, check your mailbox.
Then our combined airline would grind to a complete halt, and a BK follow, because it would take 11 months to train 700 pilots on a 3 week training cycle. We have had it implied in recurrent as a couple days ground school, an oral (since you to not have written in leu of), a PC, and an abbreviated OE/Line Check. And until we complete that, we can only fly with XJ people. The program timeline is up to your FSDO, and is different than any of your past training events, you cannot compare this to those. Coincidentally, I did not quit, but thank you for the warm welcome.

I think the more likely scenario is that XJ changes it's procedures to match 9E like NWA did with the transition to DL. Maybe a sim some ground school for an abbreviated indoc, and a few legs of OE

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