Fly for me! Get my Bonus!
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- Oct 8, 2004
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I know the difference between avantair pilots and NetJet and CS pilots;
We are 3 years old.
We are happy.
Our outlook seems great.
I don't recall NetJets having a contract with $48K FOs rammed down it's throat at the 3 year mark. No, NJ was allowed to grow at it's own pace and NJW wasn't pestering the pilot group about it. Now that NJ has 2500 pilots and 400 aircraft it's a little unfair to demand that we (with 100 pilots and 25 airplanes) be like you. I've seen ALPA work. I've seen the teamsters work. Both have vast flaws. Sometimes you need a carrot and sometimes you need a stick. Right now we're doing fine with carrots. If the time comes that we need a stick then we will decide that.
Stop telling me I'm unhappy. Stop telling me I'm underpaid. Stop telling me my QOL is sub-par. I've seen many companies and, trust me, this one is by far the best so far. There are scads of pilots out there who have it BAD. We have it pretty dang good.
Major Airlines: Most in bankruptcy. Pensions gone. 40% pay cut if they kept their seat, 70% pay cut if they got displaced, 100% pay cut if furloughed.
Regionals: They are in the midst of cutting each others throats right now. Numerous whipsaw airlines out bidding each other for the lowest pay. Everyone wants to work for free so they can, "just get 1000 PIC" and move on. No one has bothered to tell the masses that there is nowhere to "move on". Hell, GulfStream CHARGES their FOs to fly and their CAs to upgrade!
Cargo: FedEx and UPS are doing all right for now, but FedEx has cancelled meet and greets till next year. UPS is retiring a fleet and I'd expect a freeze in hiring for awhile. All the rest suck! They treat you like dogs and beat you into the ground. Part 121 supplimental has no rest requirements. The companies are shady with Mx. My company didn't even put water or lavs on the plane.
Part 135: Low pay, bad qol.
Military: Good chance of going to the middle east IF you can get the job. Pay is weak and, well, you might die.
To sum it up, we're okay. I'm happy to be here. You can stop worrying about us and focus on some pilots who really need your worries.
But watch, I can see it come. There's gotta be someone out there that'll respond to this with a "I never said you're unhappy, I'm just saying what my friends there are saying" AAAHHH!!! STOP before you keep sinking.