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scroll the Fortune 10 list. There are companys with 1 Trillion+ (thats a "T") in ASSETS.

There are also companys clearing 10-20 billion+ a year in PROFITS (not revenues) - one of those NOT being BK/H.

Dont talk trash unless you can back it up.
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Gulfstream 200 said:

scroll the Fortune 10 list. There are companys with 1 Trillion+ (thats a "T") in ASSETS.

There are also companys clearing 10-20 billion+ a year in PROFITS (not revenues) - one of those NOT being BK/H.

Dont talk trash unless you can back it up.
A trillion in ASSETS doesn't mean you got 100 bil in cash laying around. Has there ever been a transaction where a company put out that kind of CASH. Might have been, but I just don't remember it. These 40 and 50 billion deals we hear about are always financed one way or the other...stock swaps, loans, offerings...etc. No CFO in his right mind would just leave that kind of money sitting around, nor would he put all of it in a single investment.

Read some of BK/H's annual reports. Why did they not get on the tech wagon when everyone else did. Their philosophy is to invest in companies that they know where things will stand 10 years down the road. As I remember it, their last report indicated a 22% return on investment over the past few years. And, that bunch has consistently outperformed the S&P for many years.

Besides, if someone managed to buy them out, BK/H would no longer have Buffett and Munger running the show so the stock would probably take a really big hit. Without those two who knows how much the company would drop in value. Bad move.

But, what do I know. I just drive the bus. I haven't developed the attitude that just because I fly a $30 mil bus means I get to run with the crowd riding in the back.
Of course a compnay would not put out that amount of cash....and YES. many do have 100B in CASH..mainly banks...

and NO, Im sure they wouldn't have much interest in BK/H.- nobody is talking about actually buying BK/H -- banks are the only people with that kind of money , and they only buy other banks.

just wanted to enlighten you to that fact that W.B may be on the wealthiest Amercans list but his company is not up there with the biggest of the boys! He specializes in making W.B. wealthy. I guess thats the American Dream.

but really, at the end of the day, I dont care how many trillions the company you work for is worth....what matters is whats in your paycheck.....at least to me....
Gulfstream 200 said:
but really, at the end of the day, I dont care how many trillions the company you work for is worth....what matters is whats in your paycheck.....at least to me....
That pretty much says it all right there. Your honesty is appreciated.
FL450 said:
That pretty much says it all right there. Your honesty is appreciated.
I think what also can be appreciated is the fact that the fractional industry is just a baby. It's a baby with lots of income potential for pilots... good things just take time.
I hear ya..

but you cant tell the checkout gal at the grocery store:

"Im a fractional pilot and I have lots of income potential".
I don't understand it. Guys like you come on this board with your attitude that you can just bash and attack anyone here that doesn't have it as good as you think you do. It's very sad to see it happen.

Was a time when I'd get angered by posts like yours. I'd take it personal and want to engage in your game. Not any more. Now I just feel sorry for people like you who find it necessary to stand on your high horse and bash us fractional pilots. Sounds to me like you really do have a very good job in aviation, one that, perhaps, I'd really enjoy. I'm sure a host of pilots I've met over the years would also envy your position. You are, indeed, very fortunate to have the position you have.

So, why the need to verbally attack those you feel don't have it as good? Why the need to come on the "fractionals" message board and act like that towards us? What's wrong with that picture?

I just don't get it. Never did, and probably never will.
I agree with you FL450....this G-200 guys is pretty amusing to read....I've run into guys like him at a few FBO's around the country. I can't help be feel a certain sadness. So bitter and angry. I love the one who as self proclaimed experts on the fractional industry and they know all the down falls of this new "Great Evil". I tell them....."hey there's plenty of work out there for everyone, there's no need for you to bash me" Maybe some feel they missed the bus....I don't know and, to be honest, I really don't care....
Gulfstream 200 said:
I hear ya..

but you cant tell the checkout gal at the grocery store:

"Im a fractional pilot and I have lots of income potential".
Nothing against "Check out gals" but dude..... aim higher than Piggly Wiggly for a date!!
not to put words in G200's mouth, but i think y'all are taking it wrong. go back and read his first post again...

Gulfstream 200 said:
Dont be over-impressed by Warren Buffett and think HIS billions are going to improve YOUR life as a pilot!!!...You may work for a billionaire (we all do) but you are just another biatch in the system. Dont forget that.
...perhaps this comes from the fact that more often than not, when talking to a NJ pilot and asking them why they do it, the answer always comes back to some reference of how "Uncle" Warren is gonna "take care" of them with the new contract. well, thats great that the contract is "ammendable", but no hopes or dreams are gonna make the rent payment next month and the more i learn about the place the more i wonder whats really gonna come of it.

ive heard people left and right wish the pilots good luck in negotiations, and to "stand strong" but then i also know of more than a few that feel they dont necessarily "deserve" any more than they are getting because they took the job knowing full well the conditions at that time, take that for what its worth.

nevertheless...i for one, believe G200's advice is applicable to pretty much any pilot job ;)

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