As Robin Olds told me over a beer a couple years, if the F-22 uses its guns in air combat it has failed in its mission. 10 F-5s against one F-22 the F-22 is in serious trouble, and can use its superiority to disengage and cede air superiority to the F-5's. Lets see you could buy about 50 F-5 for the cost of 1 F-22?
But simply add one F-22 and you can crush all 10 F-5s in short order. Silly argument.
Besides, when I've killed 6 of the F-5s (all the flight leads, of course), I'll watch at least one crash on his own as he's stupefied with fear, one get smart and run home, and two orbit in circles 8 miles apart wondering WTF is going on as I roll in and gun the poor bastards.:smash: