George Nicolau.
Who's that? OOOOOOHHHHH, that's right. He's the guy YOU LIARS PICKED to arbitrate seniority!!! Now, (according to the East) he's just a senile old man.
Why the sudden change? Because the truth hurts and G.N. knew the truth.
And thus began the most embarrassing temper tantrum in trade unionism history aka USAPA.
Also, why the bold type of George Nicolau's name? Shouldn't it read, "ALPA"? USAPA insists that their campaign was all about getting rid of ALPA because of all their unjust failures at the expense of US Air pilots.
That wouldn't be another LIE would it?
Of course in their world everything was "ALPA's" fault. (never accepting the fact that they themselves were the ALPA boogey man).
I thought the removal of ALPA had nothing to do with the seniority list...that's what USAPA claims...(trying not to laugh).
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