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Usairways Non Rev Travel

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all right, listen up. Its total BS that we have to pay a service charge. And before you go clicking that little reply to post button down there hold your fricken mouse for a second. Regradless if you work for ALG, CHQ, Colgan or whoever the hel! it is you work for its complete idiocy to have to pay a surcharge, but if Airways want to do it, they are going to do it regardless if you sit in front of your computer and scream at each other its not going to change it. If you dont like it, do something real about it. Dont whine and moan to the rest of us. Because that just gets everyone annoyed with everyone else. And go ahead and say what you want about Colgan people whining to much or about ALG guys who wont let you jumpseat. Or whatever the heck it is your complaining about this half second and cry your tears to your pillow. I may not work for a WO but that doesnt make me any more or less of a US Airways carrier. You may work for whoever at this moment is considering them selves to be the red-headed step-child carrier but you dont need to take that out on the rest of us. At least you have a job. Because I seem to recall a lot of people being furloughed not to long ago and many of them dont have jobs. And shut up because I dont want to hear about how they can have your job. If you hate it that much and you could make better money working at Burger King and the benefits are better. Then switch over to Microsoft Office and write up a resignation to your airline. And while your at it why dont you type up a quick resume and bring it over to the Burger King they'll probably accept it through the drive through while you biggie size your order.

I apologize if I offended anyone, but I just cant handle any more of the mud slinging at one another! Its driving me insane!!
Its not mudslinging, its the cold hard truth. The WO's took concessions so USAirways Group could survive. I don't remember the contractors taking any concessions to help out, in fact I think you guys only got more RJs? Tindriver, we are not in the same boat. If Airways goes under then you can just contract with another carrier, but the WOs have a vested long term interest in USAirways. The reason I get from most MESA people when I ask why they work at a company that pays them and treats them like crap is "its just to get my time and then go to SW or JB or AirTran. If you want free travel, tell your company to negociate it in your next contract with USAirways, otherwise you are just stuck paying the $20.
in fact I think you guys only got more RJs?

I didnt know we had any of those... Someone forgot to tell me. Some of ya'll need to do a better job of keeping me in the loop.
So, your saying...

That since the Contractors got more RJ's (except for us), then we should have to pay for our commuting????

That makes absolutely no sense.
Maybe we should start charging the mainline non-revs $50a leg, or maybe due to weight problems we'll have to leave you behind....
I hope it never gets to that point...
Can some one please tell me what concessions where given by the contract carriers during the USAirways restructuring? That's why you guys are being charged. One way or another, anyone affliated with USAirways is going to give up something.
Sh*ty schedules, No quality of life, 10% pay cut. $28,000 for a wonderful year of wearing the US colors! Sorry if that isn't enough :mad:

I know MAINLINERS are really hurting! Paycuts bringing them down to $100,000+. I feel for you. Why not charge a FA that is making $17k a year to pay to get to work, or a F/O that makes $21k. All this is going to do is further hurt those that have to commute & in turn kill the commuter companies which in turn will have a major impact on the loads mainline carries. Without the commuters, mainline cann't exist/survive.

Why NOT cut off your nose dispite your face! :eek:
"Why not charge a FA that is making $17k a year to pay to get to work, or a F/O that makes $21k. All this is going to do is further hurt those that have to commute & in turn kill the commuter companies"

You talk about killing the commuter companies? What about killing the industry? You people working for 17-21K a year with no benefits are whats killing the industry as a WHOLE!!!! If you people would stop taking those jobs for crap pay then maybe the pay would go up? Supply vs. Demand, and it looks like the supply of WILLING cheap labor is only getting bigger. Don't cry about having to pay for a ride on an aircraft you don't own. Remember, you are nothing more than a contractor. Look at it like this, you contract someone to build a house, then the contractor says "well, if I built it then I can live there too!". That's not how it works, you are paid to perform a service. If you don't like what you are paid, maybe you should ask your company to negociate a better fee per depature with USAirways. At the end of the day if you have to commute home, you should have to pay for the ride unless its your company that owns the aircraft or sets the ticketing policy.
Chautauqua CEO, Brian Bedford, has stated to the pilot union that US employees will be charged the same rate on CHQ if this policy is enacted. Not sure how he plans to enforce it.

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