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UsAirways/AA pay parity?

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Now, with that being said, I intend to stay neutral.
Of course you will...

I would welcome the chance to run your "FOM gauntlet". You would see your futility in just a couple minutes.

But why continue your jihad against your fellow pilots and just pressure your union reps to truly represent those they extort money from. That's not an east/west issue its a right and wrong issue. Do you need McKee to tell you what side of that you should support?

I mean since you feign neutrality and all...:rolleyes:
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But why continue your jihad against your fellow pilots and just pressure your union reps to truly represent those they extort money from.

Laughable. Out of 18 emails sent and 6 phone calls placed to my representatives and USAPA leadership regarding seniority, the west, the merger , etc. I have received exactly one email reply and one message in return essentially telling me to ******************** off until I've been here 20 years. Pressure, my ass. I'm not the only one who has such experience. We even have a joke among Third Listes to include "DOH" in the subject line to at least have a hope of somebody reading it. We make up ~25% of the east bid positions right now and we can't get so much as a peep back.

GL, I'd say 90-95% of the Third-list(or better yet, new hire) cohort are aware of EXACTLY where we stand with regard to the West. Every single one of them is ahead of us, bar none. When we are finally smushed together, we will be just that.
BringUpTheBird- it's disturbing to see that you have no issue with putting someone else's tail on the line to advance your own cause. I intend to stay neutral by not taking sides or putting forth any effort to advance either cause. However, if you had your way, you would use me as a tool to effect the change that suits you. I find it laughable that after that emphasis, you attack my integrity and preach right vs. wrong. Regarding the FOM- my ability to follow it and adhere to company policy isn't futile.

You will ultimately become your own worst enemy. As you attempt to exert your agenda on pilots that have nothing to do with the outcome of the "NIC" debacle, it will blow up in your face. Eventually, it will come to a head in the Chief Pilot's office.

General Lee- your reading comprehension is lacking. I've never once posted anything about being placed in front of anyone from AWA. My steadfast belief is that the third list should go DOH behind all previously hired USAirways/AWA pilots. As I've said countless times, in countless other posts- I'm absolutely aware of what happened regarding the NIC. I also find it amusing that showing up, flying a safe aircraft, and not carrying any judgement into the cockpit with possible safety implications makes me an "arse", as you so eloquently put it. I fly and let them argue............why is that so difficult for you to comprehend????

At the end of the day, I intend to bust tail to build a great airline and work with great people. With 32 Years of flying on the horizon, I intend to make the best of my aviation career and work environment. I think American, going forward, will provide unprecedented gains and career realizations for any new pilot that is smart enough to look through your B.S. smoke screens, bogus 3rd lister accusations, and ill concieved notions. I wish you the best in contract 2015 and in building a Delta noted for service..........because I intend to surpass it.
I'm convinced General Lee is a west pilot.

I'm convinced he's not even a pilot. Rather, he's someone paid by the guys running this board to instigate. More instigation = more posts. More posts = more viewers. More viewers = more ad revenue.

Surely someone on a wide-body at Delta has somewhere far better to spend all that money than here (arguing and being insulted on the internet). Just sayin'...
I think the GL has some issues so maybe everyone should just pat him on the head and let him blather on in the corner. He's kind of like the rain man . He has 3 or 4 subjects he just hammers away on with unwavering devotion. In fact i think he is sitting in his moms basement right now wearing his pilot uniform sitting in his make believe cockpit on his 18 hr flight to Mumbai blabbing away to his stuffed animal copilot . Binding arbitration , blah blah blah southwest sucks blah blah blah , mom make a turkey meatloaf, Delta, Delta, Delta blah blah blah.
"You're convinced....." You don't like that I'm right, plain and simple. Instead of debating the facts, you attack the messenger. Funny stuff.

Look, the NIC award was awarded fairly after all sides agreed to the process and agreed to the arbitrator. I know several West pilots (and even a couple East pilots) and I've watched their bad situation.

So, quit the BS, and recognize the injustice. This issue shouldn't still be lingering. But, hopefully it will be solved with two upcoming arbitration panels. I can't wait. Popcorn ready.

Bye Bye---General Lee
Your CLT base chairman disagrees. He thinks, correctly, that the first panel of arbitrators, who all know or know of their peer Nicolau, and the second panel most likely, will side with their profession and their own awards. Your side used the majority to NOT come up with a joint contract, to NOT use a binding award you disagreed with. Sorry, that's the truth. You keep trying to get around the fact that you all signed up for a SLI with Nicolau as the judge, the joint contract was a sideshow after you disagreed with the award.

Bye Bye---General Lee


But it wasn't FAIR!!! We all know Us Air pilots were vastly superior to the "westicles" and should have been placed at the top of the list regardless of career expectations or any other mumbo jumbo. They are men of honor and the gold standard of DOH should always apply. Oh wait they don't want DOH anymore....
I think the GL has some issues so maybe everyone should just pat him on the head and let him blather on in the corner. He's kind of like the rain man . He has 3 or 4 subjects he just hammers away on with unwavering devotion. In fact i think he is sitting in his moms basement right now wearing his pilot uniform sitting in his make believe cockpit on his 18 hr flight to Mumbai blabbing away to his stuffed animal copilot . Binding arbitration , blah blah blah southwest sucks blah blah blah , mom make a turkey meatloaf, Delta, Delta, Delta blah blah blah.

Yet nobody can refute his argument on the NIC. Instead some just choose to attack him. Anyone who doesn't think the East is in the wrong either isn't paying attention or has something to gain by discarding the NIC. It's like saying we shouldn't punish scabs because it happened a long time ago and we should all just move on. Convenient argument until it's you that they put out of a job.

But it wasn't FAIR!!! We all know Us Air pilots were vastly superior to the "westicles" and should have been placed at the top of the list regardless of career expectations or any other mumbo jumbo. They are men of honor and the gold standard of DOH should always apply. Oh wait they don't want DOH anymore....

Yeah, I guess you're right...all of those Easties are just like Sulley too, full of integrity! Just like the Eastie MEC chair who extolled Nicolau after picking him also for the "binding" arbitration.... Stand up people. Yep.

Let's throw in a great paragraph from the NIC award itself:

"Beyond this, at the time of the merger announcement, US Airways had a significant number of pilots on furlough while America West had none. Moreover, the financial future of US Airways was not comparable to or as bright as that of America West. These factors, as could be predicted, led to great differences In the Parties' concepts of a fair and equitable merger."

Bye Bye---General Lee
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