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UsAirways/AA pay parity?

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Not following you. That AA pilot would tell you about the Eagle flows that actually flowed and were on the property. Not the Eagle pilots that had not flowed. So are the Eagle pilots that flowed and on the AA ML seniority list not considered AA pilots?

"That flowed", that's the key term. Not "will flow" when a new hire slot at AA (or in your case, old USAir) opens up.
"That flowed", that's the key term. Not "will flow" when a new hire slot at AA (or in your case, old USAir) opens up.

Ok, you win. Someone asked a question. The answer I provided was correct. Anything else you're trying to make out of this is irrelevant. I really don't care and this is my last post about this... Have a great night...
yay! blaming newhires!
Nope, blaming every single east pilot that did not stand up at the BPR meetings and demand that USAPA represent ALL US pilots and stop dragging out the SLI to the detriment of their fellow pilots. Guilty by association.

If you were one of those who risked their popularity among the USAPA faithful in order hold them accountable and reject the attacks on west pilots that weakens the entire pilot group, then I give you both my thanks and my respect.

However there is no record of any such person doing that.

Moving forward there will be a fresh slate with the APA to see what path they choose and support them in building a strong unified pilot group if that is the direction they want to take us. But they will brook none of USAPA's nonsense when CLT/DCA/PHL elect reps, of that you can be assured.

The east will have to live with the consequences of their actions for the remainder of their careers. I would not be surprised if at some point the east pilots will be memorialized just as were certain Continental, United and eastern pilots who chose to take from fellow pilots to enrich themselves. And a 4-day trip of professional, but sterile conversation will be devoid of the relaxed comraderie that you may have enjoyed in the past. You might cope by labeling him or her as "a jerk" or worse, but when you see it consistently from a wide array of your co-workers you may just be honest enough with yourself to realize who the "jerk" really is.
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Back to the sub topic, though. I suppose it is true that merging the APA group in plus new hires will dilute the east-west toxicity to some extent. And a new-hire (at least the ones I've flown with) brings a long-absent enthusiasm to the flight deck which tends to thwart negative east-west monologues. But if a potential pilot was asking about coming to US it would be disingenuous to leave out the part about being on reserve for 10 years and having virtually every benefit of the merger come at your expense and those benefits passing through to the group whose leaders are expected to represent you and fight against such injustice. When that changes, then perhaps it becomes a place to recommend.
Not following you. That AA pilot would tell you about the Eagle flows that actually flowed and were on the property. Not the Eagle pilots that had not flowed. So are the Eagle pilots that flowed and on the AA ML seniority list not considered AA pilots?


It's great that you got the deal you did with MidAtlantic. Nobody is begrudging you that. But if we are going to be honest you flowed through to express with the guarantee of flowing to mainline someday. Just like Eagle pilots are guaranteed a flow through to AA. But until you are able to put your bid in for mainline equipment you are not mainline. I don't think that's splitting hairs. You were not allowed to bid A330, 767, etc because you had not YET moved up to US Airways. Just like an Eagle pilot can't bid for MD-80FO until he/she actually flows through to mainline.

I would bet money that if the roles were reversed and MidAtlantic was an express division of AWA then the Easties would have done everything in their power to scratch MidAtlantic off the list in the merger. It's just a matter of their character as a group. Padding their list with MidAtlantic bodies helped them by adding more numbers to the bottom of their list. Just like backing off DOH now that three lists are being considered benefits them. No more talk of the "gold standard." Nice group of weasels running the show at USAPA.
As long as there is a giant fence to protect the AA widebodies I think the rest will work itself out. Definitely not fair to legacy AA pilots if USAir guys get access to 120+ widebodies while bringing 30 to the table. I had a USAir FO tell me after the merge he'd be a Heavy Captain....I doubt that.
As long as there is a giant fence to protect the AA widebodies I think the rest will work itself out. Definitely not fair to legacy AA pilots if USAir guys get access to 120+ widebodies while bringing 30 to the table. I had a USAir FO tell me after the merge he'd be a Heavy Captain....I doubt that.

Time served, you get what you earn! We are one airline now, there is no east west or AA. If a US Air Fo did say that it wasn't from an east pilot
Well there are plenty of FO's at AAA with 25+ on property, so his statement is not out of the realm of possibility.
General- you have no clue about what you speak when referencing the "new hire" experience at USAirways/American. The only thing you see is what you WANT to see. How about letting new hires pass on their experience without the Delta cool aid spin?

Bring up the Bird- "guilt through association"????? That is rich! New guy walks through the door and is on probation, and yet you expect- demand- that they stand up and take your side???? I'm not even allowed into a union meeting on probation. I also find it disgusting that you intend to force your toxicity on those that share the cockpit with you and you see this as acceptable. This viewpoint alone tells me more about your lack of professionalism and character than any "East" pilot could hope to portray. Very well done- you're smearing yourself. As for "cold" flight decks- that's awesome by me. From what I'm seeing from you, the quieter you are the better. This is a job, and not a social function. Frankly, I don't care what you do over there in your seat since the paycheck doesn't have your signature on it. Besides, I've found the best defense against a cockpit clown is good knowledge of the FOM and OM. Something tells me you'd be hating life more than I would be on a four day trip.

Now, with that being said, I intend to stay neutral. As a third list pilot, I only get irritated when I'm forcibly dragged into the mess I had nothing to do with in the first place.

To any prospective new hires- the type of rubbish above is absolutely the rarity. The huge majority of people here are fantastic, East-West-American. The only action I regret is not attempting to make the move sooner.

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