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US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations

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AND JUST EXACTLY WHERE DID I SAY THIS "DEUCE" BAG? (read with the "H" inserted)

I never made any mention of struck work so please get a life...........


As a newhire, who has been in good standing paying his dues for almost 19 years (at another airline) who has had enough of ALPA. I am a scab now because I think another offer is better? AND YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT A CHEERLEADER???:puke:
Like I said before, I have nothing to benefit from a new union....
I just don't think I got my monies worth from the old one. WHERE THE HE11 DID I CROSS A PICKET LINE OR PROMOTE STRUCK WORK BECKET?????
PLEASE TELL ME , I'M WAITING..............


I'll speak slowly. You're obviously having a hard time connecting the dots...There is more than one definition of Scab. It's not just crossing a picket line. You're adamant that "you" should get a better deal? Are you aware that your "better deal" is intended to come at the sole expense of a West pilot?

Stop bullsh*tting me and yourself and look in the mirror.

There's no way to make this whore look respectable. Dress it up however you like Also, i'm not a chearleader, I just know a scab story when I hear one, (sound familiar?)

..."but if USAPA is successful at F***ing over AMW, It's better for me"

BTW, why, after 19 years, did you end up going to work for this disaster? Surely, a "better deal" has presented itself in the last two decades, a deal that wouldn't have made you supportive of scabs.

What Happened? Has your career sucked? Do you now feel entitled to steal somebody else's? I guess that would make you a USAPA member then...nevermind.
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I'll speak slowly. You're obviously having a hard time connecting the dots...There is more than one definition of Scab. It's not just crossing a picket line. You're adamant that "you" should get a better deal? Are you aware that your "better deal" is intended to come at the sole expense of a West pilot?

Stop bullsh*tting me and yourself and look in the mirror.

There's no way to make this whore look respectable. Dress it up however you like Also, i'm not a chearleader, I just know a scab story when I hear one, (sound familiar?)

..."but if USAPA is successful at F***ing over AMW, It's better for me"

BTW, why, after 19 years, did you end up going to work for this disaster? Surely, a "better deal" has presented itself in the last two decades, a deal that wouldn't have made you supportive of scabs.

What Happened? Has your career sucked? Do you now feel entitled to steal somebody else's? I guess that would make you a USAPA member then...nevermind.

Like I said Becket I'm junior to everyone!
I'm tired of ALPA and could care or less if I have representation through USAPA , the Teamsters or another in house name. I don't care if it's the AFA for that matter!
ALPA is just a"has been".

After 19 years what the "f" does it matter to you?

Connect these dots
"Mr. I need to take cheap shots to make my point". (now you take a good look in the mirror too........)
I won't lower myself to your standards and make any personal insults to you , your mother or your career,......... so go pound or pack some sand Ok?

Like I said Becket I'm junior to everyone!
I'm tired of ALPA and could care or less if I have representation through USAPA , the Teamsters or another in house name. I don't care if it's the AFA for that matter!
ALPA is just a"has been".

After 19 years what the "f" does it matter to you?

Connect these dots
"Mr. I need to take cheap shots to make my point". (now you take a good look in the mirror too........)
I won't lower myself to your standards and make any personal insults to you , your mother or your career,......... so go pound or pack some sand Ok?

The light of truth burns too bright.

good luck, amigo.
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.....doesn't alter the fact that even ALPA doesn't believe in "binding arbitration".....

The Alaska deal is a bit different... and that requires some critical thought.....

With Alaska it was the pilots vs. management.... and no one is threatening to take thier marbles and go home via USAPA... something you are used to doing as a quitter..

The East/West is pilot vs pilot.... something you love to see. You get off on it.....
I love it....anyone think there will ever be any unity on the property at LCC.....be it ALPA or USAPA? Either way you are screwed....Either way there won't be any unity.....
Just don't forget there once was unity. We were in joint negotiations for a CBA when the company was profitable. And then, one side withdrew. Which side was that? Oh yeah, the EAST. So if you want to lament the lack of unity look no further than the side that withdrew. The ball is in their court to undo the trouble they've caused. I don't believe indefinite seperate operations is inevitable.
AND JUST EXACTLY WHERE DID I SAY THIS "DEUCE" BAG? (read with the "H" inserted)

I never made any mention of struck work so please get a life...........


As a newhire, who has been in good standing paying his dues for almost 19 years (at another airline) who has had enough of ALPA. I am a scab now because I think another offer is better? AND YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT A CHEERLEADER???:puke:
Like I said before, I have nothing to benefit from a new union....
I just don't think I got my monies worth from the old one. WHERE THE HE11 DID I CROSS A PICKET LINE OR PROMOTE STRUCK WORK BECKET?????
PLEASE TELL ME , I'M WAITING..............


I see what you are saying, and I'm all for your "clean slate" theory. Unfortunately, this particular clean slate(usapa) for you comes with an attempt at throwing fine people(AWA) under the bus.

The east pilot usapa supporters I have serious heartburn with. You obviously are not that, but at the same time I feel as if you don't mind throwing the west under the bus just so you can get your clean slate. I know you don't necassarily feel that way directly, but I can't help but feel that's what it boils down to.

Usapa is hardly a clean slate. It could be if it were done later, with a true majority of combined pilots desiring it. But now...well not hardly. It'll be a new slate, but it won't be clean, it'll be ********************ing ugly, all the way around, for everyone involved.
I love it....anyone think there will ever be any unity on the property at LCC.....be it ALPA or USAPA? Either way you are screwed....Either way there won't be any unity.....

Anyone want to deal with seniority now like every other profession......were you can transport you experience and were it doesn't rule your life like it does for us.....

.....never mind...carry on with the attacks while I pop more popcorn....

IMHO, no there will not be any unity at this company. Putting together this companies employees is now not even an option. West refuses to share cockpit space with east and vice versa.

The real benefits of getting this company up and running are no longer in the plan. The manageers have made their money, the investors have made their money, upper management now has golden parachutes so their is no risk to them or their finances so who loses?? The employees that's who all 70,000 of them. Remove USAir from the industry and capacity is reduced, reduce capacity and the other REAL AIRLINES can begin to prosper.

No one will cry for USAir in fact they will rejoyce at it's long awaited demise. The pilots and flight attendants will be screaming at the unemployment offices across the east and south that they deserve to get their unemployment checks first because they have more seniority:rolleyes: .

Talk to an east crew sometime you will be amazed. They simply don't believe that this company can and WILL go out of business! Well to that I offer simply this, ask the former employees of Eastern, Braniff, TWA, Pan Am, ACA/Independence Air if an airline, a big airline can go out of business...

A true ALPA believer? Sure, thats like believing in Santa Clause and Clinton never really inhaled or boned Monica either....... ALPA did a lot of good in it's day but there's been a lot of conflict of interest regarding in who they represent when it came down to the regionals from where I was from.....

I really do believe it's time for a change, not even considering this East VS. West thing.
(I don't even have a dog in the fight as a mainline new hire, heck I'm junior to every one!).

I just think ALPA has become a big money generating machine, a good old boy club that's filled with secrete agendas and full of expensive meetings sucking down my union dues......
It has gotten out of control and has very little sense of direction.........
I guess this makes me a "scab" according to some (idiots) because I don't think I'm getting my monies worth despite never crossing a picket line.
Starting out with a "clean slate" might do everyone some good if it's possible to sit down at a table and come to some form of an agreement on things. Then again that might be already asking for too much ......:bomb:

Welcome to the show. Don't worry about him..."He's just a mean man who needs a mommy." :)

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