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US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations

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Welcome to the show. Don't worry about him..."He's just a mean man who needs a mommy." :)


I got soooooooo upset I just might need mine too! :bawling:

LOL, thx, T8
I see what you are saying, and I'm all for your "clean slate" theory. Unfortunately, this particular clean slate(usapa) for you comes with an attempt at throwing fine people(AWA) under the bus.

The east pilot usapa supporters I have serious heartburn with. You obviously are not that, but at the same time I feel as if you don't mind throwing the west under the bus just so you can get your clean slate. I know you don't necassarily feel that way directly, but I can't help but feel that's what it boils down to.

Usapa is hardly a clean slate. It could be if it were done later, with a true majority of combined pilots desiring it. But now...well not hardly. It'll be a new slate, but it won't be clean, it'll be ********************ing ugly, all the way around, for everyone involved.

Hey Vet,
I understand your point and I honestly don't want to see any west guys thrown under the bus, I have at least half a dozen friends that went over to Am. West years ago. So I can see both sides of the fence better than most!
On a side note: Do you or anyone else here know a Dude by the name of Walt P? His last name sounds like that orange cheese spread... (I just don't want to let the world know that I'm one of his friends..... ;).) Please PM me if you do, I still owe him a payback for the glass of "Draino" he had the bartender make me on a HPN birthday layover.......
See ya on campus.....
USAPA is running on pure emotion. The East believes they are intitled to more than they got in the arbitration. ALPA is the lesser of two evils in my book. Emotions will get you to the court house, but the litigation will fall short, just like the arbitration. Talk to people outside the AWA/AAA bubble and see where your emotions are putting you. The only people to make out from this division will be the company and legal teams each side compensates.
US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations
Friday March 14, 8:00 am ET
PHOENIX, March 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- US Airways (NYSE: LCC - News) management received notification today from the America West pilots requesting to commence separate contract negotiations under Section 6 of the Railway Labor Act.

Relax, boys...it ain't gonna happen...the latest...

Can we end this thread now?

US Airways rejects pilots' proposal

By Bloomberg News
Saturday, March 15, 2008

US Airways Group Inc. rejected a request to begin talks on a separate contract with pilots who flew for the former America West Airlines before a 2005 merger.

The pilots union told the company Friday that it wanted to start the talks in 30 days to protect their jobs after failed attempts to secure a new, unified labor agreement. Pilots from the two airlines have been in a dispute over how to mesh seniority lists. They suspended talks with the airline in August.

"We believe it to be in the best interest of US Airways and all of our employees to focus on joint negotiations for a single labor agreement as we are now one company," US Airways said in an e-mailed statement. "We are ready to meet with both of our pilot groups to jointly negotiate one single contract." America West pilots say their counterparts in the old US Airways system are being promoted to captain at a much higher rate. They want to begin talks for a new, separate contract instead of waiting until 2009, when the US Airways pilot agreement can be renegotiated.
Relax, boys...it ain't gonna happen...the latest...

Can we end this thread now?

US Airways rejects pilots' proposal

By Bloomberg News
Saturday, March 15, 2008

US Airways Group Inc. rejected a request to begin talks on a separate contract with pilots who flew for the former America West Airlines before a 2005 merger.

The pilots union told the company Friday that it wanted to start the talks in 30 days to protect their jobs after failed attempts to secure a new, unified labor agreement. Pilots from the two airlines have been in a dispute over how to mesh seniority lists. They suspended talks with the airline in August.

"We believe it to be in the best interest of US Airways and all of our employees to focus on joint negotiations for a single labor agreement as we are now one company," US Airways said in an e-mailed statement. "We are ready to meet with both of our pilot groups to jointly negotiate one single contract." America West pilots say their counterparts in the old US Airways system are being promoted to captain at a much higher rate. They want to begin talks for a new, separate contract instead of waiting until 2009, when the US Airways pilot agreement can be renegotiated.
Thanks for the update.
FAR from over.

The Transition Agreement kept our right to section 6 alive and well.

Parker will get pounded by the NMB if he fails to negotiate with us. He has a legal obligation to negatiate with us in good faith. Maybe he will just take a page from the east and blow off a signed legal document.

Actually, I think that would work in our favor.

Of course Parker wants to wait it out. USAPA went to management and promised to accept cost neutral if the company helps to throw out the arbitration. These East scumbags make scabs look good. Our reps being thrown out of west crew rooms by management wasn't the only reason we went section 6. We had no choice. Parker has to negotiate with the west now and the East gets to enjoy their contract until 2009 + a couple years. Just incredible, no integrity or brains.
No dog in this fight, but I certainly consider the actions of the AAA pilots to be reprehensible.

From my perspective, it would seem that the AWA pilots have done what was asked of them, but the AAA pilots wants more, much, much more.

The AAA pilots want it all, and they want to skrew the AWA pilots for all they can, if they can get DOH and flush all of the AWA pilots down the list, they will be overjoyed.

I personally hope, that the AWA pilots prevail and that the Nic award stands.

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