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UPS furloughing 300

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Yea, put Fox on.....it's fair and balanced, remember???

Here's a novel idea. Watch/read/listen to as many news sources as possible.....and form your own (informed) opinions! :nuts:
Here's a novel idea. Watch/read/listen to as many news sources as possible.....and form your own (informed) opinions! :nuts:

I normally don't get within a mile of political discussions, but this is my advice as well. By utilizing as many disparate sources of information as possible you can filter out the BS and draw you own conclusions. I weep for my industry when every FBO TV I see is welded to Fox News 24/7.
instructordude. Are you really that clueless or are you just plain insensitive? If no one picks up open time, they will need to keep the pilots who are about to get f'ed...and you see, then they would not get f'ed!! Pretty simple if you even start to think about it.

At this level of aviation you should not even have to explain things like that.
Or you could always listen to those guys who make great one sided documentaries like that fat ass michael moore.
Or better yet, how about Jon Stewart?

So you're defense of Fox is that it's better than the comedy show that Jon Stewart runs. That's really your standard? Stewart run a comedy show that doesn't pretend to be a legitimate new channel, Fox runs a propaganda machine that pretends to be real news. Understand the difference?
So you're defense of Fox is that it's better than the comedy show that Jon Stewart runs. That's really your standard? Stewart run a comedy show that doesn't pretend to be a legitimate new channel, Fox runs a propaganda machine that pretends to be real news. Understand the difference?

Did you pass high school English?
Or you could always listen to those guys who make great one sided documentaries like that fat ass michael moore.
Or better yet, how about Jon Stewart?

Don't hate Jon Stewart bc he murders your guys with inane things like "logic"
it's a shame that the most trustworthy news comes from the comedy channel- but it is what it is- all your side can do is discredit him whenever they can- bc toe to toe against anybody- Jon is smarter and wins every time convincingly-

what this has to do with ups trying to furlough- I don't know-

since southwest was brought up- I really don't think GK or CM hired me to furlough me- and I appreciate that our management does think in human terms and has been running fat for a while now-
IF the decision is made to furlough me- I WANT guys working as hard as possible-picking up flying etc etc- make it a job worth coming back to. Don't sacrifice contractually-
I don't think I'd have this opinion at any other airline- and DEFINITELY not at UPS.
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So you're defense of Fox is that it's better than the comedy show that Jon Stewart runs. That's really your standard? Stewart run a comedy show that doesn't pretend to be a legitimate new channel, Fox runs a propaganda machine that pretends to be real news. Understand the difference?

Judging by your response, it's quite obvious that if brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose!
Now, back to the sandbox young boy!
Don't hate Jon Stewart bc he murders your guys with inane things like "logic"
Logic? Is that what you guys call it? It must be logical to burden this country and your future grand children with $trillions worth of debt! All in the name of socialism!

it's a shame that the most trustworthy news comes from the comedy channel- but it is what it is- all your side can do is discredit him whenever they can- bc toe to toe against anybody- Jon is smarter and wins every time convincingly-
Personally, I like Nick at night, and Spongebob, but I wouldn't exactly say he's smarter and definately wouldn't get my news source from him, although he does make a mean crabby patty in the cartoon world.

what this has to do with ups trying to furlough- I don't know-
Because a poster made a comment about Fox news and not to rely on it for your only news media outlet.

since southwest was brought up- I really don't think GK or CM hired me to furlough me-
When they need to, they will, they're just another legacy carrier. When you lose money continuiously, you will be just another Obama statistic.

and I appreciate that our management does think in human terms and has been running fat for a while now-
I agree, your management team is one of the best, but it's still not Herb's airline. Get used to that. Delta has been running about 1100 guys fat as well, and decided not to furlough. It has nothing to do with the human factor, just cost factor.

IF the decision is made to furlough me- I WANT guys working as hard as possible-picking up flying etc etc- make it a job worth coming back to. Don't sacrifice contractually-
I don't think I'd have this opinion at any other airline- and DEFINITELY not at UPS.
UPS is making tons of money. For them to furlough is just another way of management being management. Remember, they all went to the same school!
Good luck to us all.
since southwest was brought up- I really don't think GK or CM hired me to furlough me- and I appreciate that our management does think in human terms and has been running fat for a while now-
IF the decision is made to furlough me- I WANT guys working as hard as possible-picking up flying etc etc- make it a job worth coming back to. Don't sacrifice contractually-
I don't think I'd have this opinion at any other airline- and DEFINITELY not at UPS

Ever work anywhere else? Pretty naive statement. Do you think anyone hired at any legacy carrier that SWA guys love to bash thought they were being hired by "XX" or "XX" so they could be furloughed?

And your "what if" statement about you'd be o.k. on the street while dudes continued to pick up extra flying is pretty funny too. Sounds good now, but ask someone who really has been furloughed, or still is, what their thoughts are.

And not picking up EF and VJA is "sacrificing contractually"? GMAFB! Flying 100% of your line sure beats 0% that guys on the street make. That statement alone demonstrated that same group at SWA as anywhere else. If nobody picked up extra then flights get uncovered for crew availability thus mgt ulimately is forced to recall furloughed pilots. Pretty simple concept, but like I posted earlier, solidarity is short lived. Sure we picked up COBRA for furloughed guys at DL, but overtime flying was in full force. Would be the same at SWA.
since southwest was brought up- I really don't think GK or CM hired me to furlough me- and I appreciate that our management does think in human terms and has been running fat for a while now-
IF the decision is made to furlough me- I WANT guys working as hard as possible-picking up flying etc etc- make it a job worth coming back to. Don't sacrifice contractually-
I don't think I'd have this opinion at any other airline- and DEFINITELY not at UPS.

What's been your management's position on providing a pension plan to it's employees? Your a loyal union member and liberal...Don't you find that in conflict with your beliefs?

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