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UPS furloughing 300

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Bad news for the UPS pilots out there - sorry to hear about it.

One person you can also thank is Barry Hussein Obama (aka "the Socialist") and his proposed tax on interantional/multinational profits. That sure won't help companies with significant international exposure like UPS and Fedex. That will definitely impact the bottom line. Thanks to everyone on these boards who voted him into office... You are also partly responsible for the pace of the super-slow economic turnaround that is killing jobs. Sorry to get political but it's the truth. And no, Palin would also be a terrible President. It's very, very simple: we need a fiscal conservative at the helm.

Good luck to all the UPS pilots impacted - hope you get your jobs back soon.
The FDX guys have in the their contract....BLG I believe...(???) do the UPS guys? If not will they have to do a LOA?

No we do not have anything like that in our contract and there will be no concessions as far as the group is concerned. We did the VJPP (Voluntary Job Protection Plan) to mitigate furloughs and we were 10 million dollars short of the total that was set up to keep from furloughing through 2011. UPS wants to open the contract and get concessions and even the bottom 300 pilots, that post on the forums, think concessions are a bad thing. We'll never see it again if we concede to gutting the contract...been there done that and don't want to do it again....

Furloughs are an overstaffing issue and concessions are a lack of profit issue. UPS yanked in 2.1 Billion Net Profits in 2009 and yet they did this with about 120 crews sitting at home. Not to mention parking 3 man airplanes and shutting down Dallas and cutting flights in and out of Rockford. We have mechanics that are laid off and they just cut 1800 mid management jobs and I'm hearing that Atlanta is confused as to why there are so many management pilots. They just opened up a can of worms and the IPA is digging in their heels. The Executive Board has already sent out a letter banning any open time and JA flying (except for the 170 bottom guys) and unlike the other airlines I have flown for... this language is in our contract and the union CAN come out and put a ban on it legally. We'll see what ends up happening, but these morons wanted to furlough so they could have hostages for section 6 negotiations in a couple of years and they want the contract opened up and efficiencies brought in... like PBS and 2008 pay rates and on and on and on. These f&^king idiots made this announcement today and we're suppose to get a big snow/ice storm come through here. Wow.... I wonder if the sort is gonna be on time tonight. Hahaha.... unfreakinbelievable is all I can say.

This article would actually make sense if UPS was losing money, dire need of pay cuts from their employees, looking for a new business plan, being driven out of business by a rival, etc. They are still making mounds of cash. What is mgmt there trying to accomplish? Since DEC of last year they have made more than 1.6B. How much does UPS have to make before the bottom 300 or the the bottom 500 are safe? This is about some douschebag lawyer or beancounter trying to make a name for theirself by showing how they can cut costs, and still make the operation run smothly with 300 fewer pilots. I hope UPS pilots see the need to operate an extremely procedural, efficient, and very safe airline.
UPS did this before where they sent out the furlough letters and cancelled the furloughs on the Friday before the Monday furlough. Some think this is the same ploy to get concessions, but the concession stand is closed. These idiots just pissed in their own coffee. Either way the open time and JA ban is on and even though there will be some p r i c k s picking up open time, I'm pretty sure the majority are on the same page. Still UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE if you ask me.....

Same reason it's wrong to give you another doughnut.
Good thing the BOD decided to pay a dividend on the stock. Nice, pay the shareholders, screw the stakeholders. Sorry guys, you understand, corporate before personal. You're just a number. Don't worry, scum suckers like instructor dude will pick up all the open time they can cram onto their line. Yeah, you know furloughs are part of this industry.....I've heard it all.

This industry sucks. High School seniors, TAKE NOTES!

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