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UPS furloughing 300

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I would hope you are wrong, but only time will tell?

Let's hope we never have to test it out, but I have been at other airlines who have furloughed. I know we like to tell ourselves how different we are at Southwest, but same mix of pilots at SWA as anywhere else IMO.

And here's what happens during any "no overtime" effort: how do trips get covered when they run out of reserves and nobody has put in for voluntary additional flying? They junior assign the trips. Now in our contract those trips pay double. So, if nobody puts in for VJA or EF, those trips go to junior guys in reverse order at double pay.

Then it gets pretty funny - those guys who get JA'd will claim scheduling "got them" on the phone, or "my wife or kid answered and handed me the phone", or whatever. At any rate, junior guys are now getting "shafted" with double pay trips and senior guys who otherwise would have gotten that trip at time and a half VJA are pissed.

So, solidarity crumbles and picking up open time eventually goes back to business as usual despite guys on the street.

I lived through it at Delta and it most certainly would happen the same way at SWA. Greed always wins I'm afraid.

So, solidarity crumbles and picking up open time eventually goes back to business as usual despite guys on the street.

I lived through it at Delta and it most certainly would happen the same way at SWA. Greed always wins I'm afraid.


Nice to hear from Mesa alums occasionally!
Grow up and get a pair buddy. Discrimination is an ugly picture.

Wow, did someone finally get a real response out of this idiot. Guess behind that screen name constantly acting like an idiot lurks a gray hair taking advantage of this new legislation. Good to finally hear from you OLD instructor dude. How many guys at your airline are furloughed/going to be furloughed because you can't figure out how to retire. Well at least you will enjoy a year or two in retirement before you kick the bucket and your third wife gets all your stuff. But I am sure you have no morals based on the drivel you spew on this board so I am sure the disdain you get from FO's during your trips just rolls off your back. No wonder all your posts are always so self serving. It is easy for you imagine, or have already done in your life, everything you post on here. And here I just thought you were someone making stuff up to piss people off. Turns out you probably really are that person.
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If you're going to blame Age 65 for all the furloughs between Dec. 2007 and Feb. 2010, then it's only right to blame Age 60 for all the furloughs during the 1960's, the 1970's, the 1980's, the 1990's, and 2000 though 2007....right???
Yea, put Fox on.....it's fair and balanced, remember???

Or you could always listen to those guys who make great one sided documentaries like that fat ass michael moore.
Or better yet, how about Jon Stewart?
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Then it gets pretty funny - those guys who get JA'd will claim scheduling "got them" on the phone, or "my wife or kid answered and handed me the phone", or whatever. At any rate, junior guys are now getting "shafted" with double pay trips and senior guys who otherwise would have gotten that trip at time and a half VJA are pissed.

As a note, UPS pilots can decline JAs. No excuses.
If you're going to blame Age 65 for all the furloughs between Dec. 2007 and Feb. 2010, then it's only right to blame Age 60 for all the furloughs during the 1960's, the 1970's, the 1980's, the 1990's, and 2000 though 2007....right???

Nope...then there was always a steady stream of guys aging out regardless. The passing of Age 65 created an immediate 5 year buffer...even the oldest guy has a minimum of 5 more years on the list

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