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UNITED changing name to United Express

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First... Scope

Second.... If an Express carrier is not willing to negoiate a J4J agreement like the old USAir deal then they don't get to participate in any potential growth that the express carriers might get.

Third... If If no Express carrier signs off on the deal, then I'll let the company go under.

At some point there has to be some ingegrity within out industry. If some of the regional airline pilots can't understand that their jobs are directly related to the mainline jobs then so be it.

Just like the old USAir J4J deal, this can be a win win situation for everyone involved.
If you are a Regional Capt at a participating carrier your seat and seniority position will be secured.
If you are a mid Senior FO, you may still see the upgrade with the arrival of new aircraft.
If you are a new FO, you will still have a job because there will be some growth at your carrier as opposed to reductions or at least there won't be any reduction of aircraft numbers if 50 seaters are swapped for 70 seaters.

Again, it can be a win win for everyone.
The CAL furloughs post 9-11 got jobs at XJT under terms of a flow-through/furlough-protection agreement that had been in place for years prior.

That agreement is dead and CAL pilots are in essentially the same position as any other major.

I have never thought anything was taken from me wrongfully. There was a written agreement and it was obeyed pretty much to the letter.

If these guys want to take jobs off the top now, there simply needs to be an equal exchange of some sort (none of this preferential interview bs). Or they need to tell their management to go shop for some RJs to add to the certificate.
Do you mean those cute little regional jets? The Brazilian or the Canadian kind?
I think now China has some in the works. Walmart jets. The smaller the jets these days, the more the job security. Gulfstreams and Learjets seem to offer the best job future today.
Hey Gr8dane
Im not a kid as a matter of fact i could be your daddy ! son if you have nothing to contribute then move on i can like others say what i like here get a life
I work for RAH and to be honest im happy with the way things are going for my company, thanks much and btw who needs main line pilots with there the world owes me!! The pilots at RAH have busted their butts to make things work out for us all and we appriecate it, and no im not a pilot thank god Some of you pilots need to get a attitude adjustment. If you havent noticed the world dont revolve around you !!
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I think now China has some in the works. Walmart jets. The smaller the jets these days, the more the job security. Gulfstreams and Learjets seem to offer the best job future today.
China has an "RJ" which is pretty much a modernized DC-9


If a country could compete with EMB's prices, it would be China...perhaps Russia as well.
Hey Gr8dane
Im not a kid as a matter of fact i could be your daddy ! son if you have nothing to contribute then move on i can like others say what i like here get a life
I work for RAH and to be honest im happy with the way things are going for my company, thanks much and btw who needs main line pilots with there the world owes me!! The pilots at RAH have busted their butts to make things work out for us all and we appriecate it, and no im not a pilot thank god Some of you pilots need to get a attitude adjustment. If you havent noticed the world dont revolve around you !!

Yeah, those RP guys sure busted their butts, I mean a contact without rig, overblock pay based on daily not leg to leg, lack of cancellation pay when you don't make a certain completion factor (good luck with that out of philly), and to boot, crap F.O. rates on an 86 seat aircraft. Thank god you guys busted your butt, its amazing with that contract that you got growth. My FAVORITE is your pilot that felt it necessary this week to tell me that he hoped he didn't get industry leading rates but rather only middle of the pack, that way they would keep growing... there you go champ, busting your butts again.
Actually, with the "hub & spoke" concept model this in not compatable with RJ's. It's just too expensive. The future will return to turboprops as UAL has been already looking into this. Other business models, like the TransAir and SWA model will still fly point to point and make money with narrow body Boeings and Airbusses.
It would be interesting to see how ALPA could justify serving two masters, exacting jobs for the mainline while usurping the senioirty and contract provisions at their represented regionals.

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