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UNITED changing name to United Express

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AWAC has always had one of the best contracts.....However you have also been penalized for that contract...much like CMR, ACA, and ALG/PDT.....It's not as simple as "not rolling over"....If we had a true union, we would have brand scope to protect those who "don't roll over"....and we would have transportability of seniority and contract minimums to protect those who "don't roll over".....

Mainline pilots are currently bidding rates that are lower than the old AWAC 146 rates............Not much of a union......

With that attitude Joe, enjoy flying for crap wages for the rest of your career.
With that attitude Joe, enjoy flying for crap wages for the rest of your career.

It's not an "attitude".....It is reality...something you seem to want to ignore.....

I'm making over 100K to fly a turbo-prop...In this environment one could argue that isn't "crap wages"...

There is a lot of bravado and talk tough about "holding the line"....but 2 things end up happening....

1. The line is held and the company is penalized (ACA/Air Wisc./ALG/PDT/CMR/XJT etc)

2. With the threat of losing a job and having to start over again, the towell is thrown in so as to "live to fight another day"....

That is reality.....

A real union with the ability to move laterally, contract minimums, and brand scope would help alleviate the pressures that result in these two outcomes.....

Until then I will decide when the wages become "crap wages" and then I will quit and find a better paying job....

What's YOUR solution? More idle rhetoric about "holding the line"?
Heard a rumor today that RAH will be flying 13 additional 170s for United. Is this the jet for jobs you were talking about sonny and would want some of your pilots to come over as captains?

I am thinking the 190. Or else we will never agree to let Express fly them.. If any Express gains more flying becuase of the reduction at MAINLINE then YES our pilots (who are getting furloughed) should get a shot at the Captain seats-and when things flow the other way the host Express carrier will get a shot at our seats on Mainline.

TRUST ME.....OUR MEC has got some BALLS this time around and the 2172 pilots who were furloughed the last time around are PRETTY DAMN VOCAL about a flow back agreement--and not the small chicken bone right seat at Mesa and Skywest slots we had the last time!
I'm all for this, just as long as you go below me on the senioirty list. I have to look out for me.

What you United pilots told me in the jumpseat was.

The 3 most important thing to a pilot are:

1. senority
2. senority
3. senority

It's spelled seniority

I am no spell check police officer!!

I don't want to take anyone's SENIORITY but I am guessing that UAL wants EMB-190's and that AINT GONNA HAPPEN WHILE WE FURLOUGH 1000's of PILOTS!
why would UAALPA consider letting anyone fly 190's instead of them?

It's amazing how you don't see that scope is the reason paycuts went so deep. LEARN SOMETHING!
It's spelled seniority

I am no spell check police officer!!

I don't want to take anyone's SENIORITY but I am guessing that UAL wants EMB-190's and that AINT GONNA HAPPEN WHILE WE FURLOUGH 1000's of PILOTS!

It will NEVER happen in my opionion..no matter if we have guys on furlough or not. Left seat into the aircraft that they downsize to..... PERIOD.
I hope all the Express guys get what we are after....

We do not want to take jobs away. However if UAL furloughs Pilots do to a reduction in MAINLINE airplanes and flights--to INCREASE RJ flying--THEN WE WILL FIGHT FOR LEFT SEAT JOBS FOR OUR FURLOUGHED BROTHERS AND SISTERS!

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