Mainline wages that are less than my current contract wages at ASA? Interesting concept, the regional pays better than pap D? I guess I will buy your beer !!! HAHA
Hmm, let's see. Are you talking about FO rates. Current Delta rates tops out at $70.71 for a CRJ and ASA is $45.60. Of course it is unfair to compare the different YOS, so Delta is $67.98 vs ASA's $45.60. This must not be the comparison. Maybe at the end of your contract ,let's see. 2011 ASA top FO rate is $46.51 vs $76.48 or $73.31 for like YOS. Yea, this is not the comparison you were talking about.
Must be Captain rates. Lets see Delta current top CRJ rate would be $103.53 vs the same YOS at ASA of $87.41. Wait, I forgot it is unfair to compare similar YOS let's use the ASA rate that takes 6 additional years to get to. That puts ASA at $104.65 vs $103.53 a clear win for ASA. Oh, forgot to at the DC of 12% at Delta so the equivalent rate at Delta would be $115.95. Well it's really not fair to add in compensation that you don't get so well just go with the $103.53 and you win.
Ah, I almost forgot, in January 2011 you should be even better off at the end of your contract. Let's see ASA 12 year rate $89.17, hmm, and 18 year rate $106.76. Not bad. How about the Delta rate $111.98. Well it is only $5/hour, oh wait, I forgot to add the 12% again. That makes it $125.42, if you like equivalent dollars.
By the way current 3rd year Captain and FO rates for the CRJ at Delta are $96.53 and $59.54 and the 3rd year rates will top out on 1/1/12 at $108.59 and $67.43. These numbers are without the DC added.
So the winner is... wait you were going to buy the beer... ASA wins!!!
BTW no hard feelings, just responding in kind.:beer: