Your former MEC Chairman is a scab....ALPA doesn't care....
I am not talking about "ALPA", I am talking about all the rest of our peers. The former MEC Chair is a great example. Whenever his name comes up, it is invariably proceeded or followed by "that Scab". CAL is probably the most SCAB friendly airline there is, but the SCABs still have a definite stigma to them.
This thread is not about SCAB though, it is about outsourcing. I spent 9 years at a regional. I know a thing or two about them as well as you do I am sure. You are correct in your assessment that there are some fine aviators in the Regional ranks.
There are a few facts that are true in Wendy's article. UAL is misrepresenting the training and the hiring qualifications of the "Express" pilots. You are not trained in the Denver training center with the UAL pilots. You may get good training, but it is not where UAL propaganda says and not from whom they say you get it. My class at Express had no one with over 2500 hours total in the mid 90's, when the "Commuters had higher mins than they do today. One guy had flown a jet. While flying as a check Airmen at Express I flew with 2 pilots who logged their first hours of ACTUAL IMC in the right seat of the RJ. Nobody in my class at CAL had less than 7000 hours and all of us had thousands of hours of jet PIC. I did not even ask if we had all logged actual IMC or flowen in Icing as apparently MS. Shaw had not. I think it is safe to say we all had. You say you are a lifer and are probably at the top of your list. You state in your proflie that you have 14,000 hours. It is probably a fair assumption that you are probably one of the most experienced aviators at your carrier. You would be well in the lower 2/3 at my airline. Many have more than 14,000 in one A/C type, as a PIC.
The fact is that UAL is trying to pass Express off as getting the same training, and just as well experienced, and AS A WHOLE it is not true.