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midlifeflyer said:
...while vehemently hating the most important things it stands for.

How sad.
Non-citizens telling us how to run our country? No thanks.

I guess though that if Kerry is elected I'll have to learn to live with it.
To the first question, No I would not have to surrender my Canadian citizenship to obtain my US one. But seeing that I don't feel the need to vote, what would I have to gain by obtaining US citizenship?

"And now, after 9/11 we have a group of non native, non citizen residents, and people with work visas all bent out of shape that we want to check on their background."

I'm fully aware of the situation. I understand your frustration regarding that issue - and if you read my initial post carefully, I agree that in 2004, there has to be some regulations regarding background checks on Residents. I accept that no problemo. But I don't think it's fair to lump my unusual circumstance with what you refer to above.

"Either you ARE a U.S. Citizen, or your are NOT a U.S. Citizen. Until you decide to owe your allegiance to the defense and wellfare of this country, you have no right to complain about how we run OUR country."

Hmmm, paying taxes, contributing to the economy and signing up for the draft I would say give me plenty of voice.

I like your dig on Canada, it was almost cute. You clearly no very little about what you talk about. On the other hand, did I mention I went ahead a obtained a BA in US history?

"An absolutely incredible number of comments from people who claim to love this great country while vehemently hating the most important things it stands for."

I'm not going to lie - I don't love the US. I love elements of it, namely the chance a better flying career than what I'd expect in Canada. I can live in the US legally and I can earn a living legally. I have no expectation of being able to vote, and am willing to go along with these new TSA regs, as inappropriate to my specific situation as they are. I'll be as opinionated as I want. What's the problem with that?
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While I find that it is very rare that I agree with Avbug, I would like to wholeheartedly second all the comments he made on this topic. The law is a small inconvenience at best for flight schools and independent flight instructors alike. However I DO feel that there needed(and still needs to be) more education on the subject. As a flight instructor that tries to independently keep up on new legislation and also works for a large flight school, I feel these new rules kind of snuck up on me and I'm not entirely sure how to handle them. However I will happily learn and abide by the process.

For all of you on your high horse because you had the good fortune to be born in the US and thus are a citizen, GET OFF IT. There are plenty of ppl from assorted countries that come here as non-citizens and contribute more to what makes "America" than you ever will. Where you were born doesn't mean s%&t to me. It's what you've done since. So learn to evaluate people on who they are and what they offer, not on some technicality about the citizenship they hold.

Thanks for the well thought out post Avbug.

"Non-citizens telling us how to run our country?"

Sorry bub, but the US have been telling the rest of the world how to run their countries for decades.

While I understand your patriotism, and absolutely disagree with giving drivers licenses etc. to ILLEGAL immigrants, if feel you need to wind your neck in a bit.
Think I've had enough of the blinkered ignorant xenophobia on this board. Obviously the only truth held self-evident here is that all Americans are created equal... fortunately I've been here long enough to know that isn't true.

See y'all
Lymann and Cale


You left out the opportunity to get the best health care in the world . Many of the upper class Canadians come here regularly for access to our health care. Citizens should get first crack ...enough of our own citizens are not getting ample health care .BTW where you gonna get YOUR flu shot ?? vavso

Cale 42: so what is the great benefit a non citizen offers us The right to live here in arguably the best country in the world , not have to be drafted if and when the time comes, take up space in schools that our own people find over crowded . The opportunity to earn $ here ship it home and after the country has given to you you can pack up and leave?? BTW are the taxes you pay here higher or lower than home .?? Whats the expression ? "In for a penny in for a pound "or something ??? Vavso

Not to mention the foreign medical students who squeeze out our own for a position in medical school and then bug out back home leaving nothing behind !
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