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To the AirNet Puke who stole my seat...

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I really like it when an FAA guy shows up at the last minute when I been sitting there 2 hours waiting for that dang AA flight. Happened to me twice a few years back when I was commuting.
Let's find the SOB and lynch the mofo!

Remember what goes around, comes around... you'll get your revenge.
OK let's get a few things straight. First off, BoxJockey, WN has only 8 (I counted) carriers that have unlimited JS. The flight had 31 people booked. Second, Mr. DirkDiggler, I WAS there before him for the JS, but since he checked in as a PASSWRITER first, and then changed his mind...he took it. I was 1 & 1/2 hours early, what more can I do? Show up and bug the agents for a ride on a flight that hasn't even opened yet? Third, UEJ500, I suppose your referral was a joke? The post you are referring to on the lounge was a joke (ask Goarounder if you don't believe me). Last, Mr. a$$face who asked me if I thought I was entitled to it b/c I am a "real" pilot...grow the he11 up, man. It's a matter of professional courtesy to let the guy going to work to get there, especially when you have a pass in hand and are pleasure travelling. There is no excuse for this dork, he saw and heard it all and frankly didn't give a krap.

Funny how the few sticking up for this guy seem to have profiles that fit the same category. Perhaps he was one of them. No matter how you cut it, what he did was a low blow and I hope one day he too gets the same trweatment himself.
"I was bumped once after a long 4 day trip trying to get from RIC to STL. I was in CVG, a two leg commute is tough enough, but being stuck in between really bites. I was bumped by a wife of a Comair pilot who was going to the overnight with him! I was talking to her and she didn't seem to care that I had been gone for 4 days, two days off and had to use one of them to commute back!! She scurried on to the airplane pretty quick when her name was called."

I gotta disagree with you on this one. A family member with pass priviledges non-revving on their own airline is, IMO, more entitled to a seat than an offline jumpseater. The pass priviledges are part of our employment perks. Your ride on the jumpseat is a courtesy. Yeah, I happen to be a CMR pilot, but that isn't influencing my take on this. Change the name of the company and I would still feel the same way.
i was denied the jumpseat on aa because a usair pilot wanted to go home while i was there in uniform trying to get to work. i even asked him if he would please take a flight that left an hour and a half later (would have got me there past my show time) and he said no he wanted to go home from getting his 737 type rating. the other usair flight that was my back up was cancelled. i explained to this guy what the sitaution was and it just doesnt matter to some douche bags what happens to anyone else as long as they get what they want. and to the mesa and gulfstream comments **AND GROW UP.
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You have some serious issues. AirNet doesn't get passes on WN, unless there is something very new. Also I've jumpseated on WN several times and distinctly remember them writing my name down on a sheet that seemed to go in the order of first come first serve. Finally, last I heard they will take unlimited jumpseaters for certain airlines and for the other airlines it's a limited number per airline.

I have feeling your leaving something out.


Mr. A$$face
I understand why you're wrapped around the axle about this, but dammmm, he's a checkhauler with brown shoes !!! What could you possibly do to make the little dweeb's life MORE miserable ?
What's with some of you and the idea that you are entitled to a JS because you are commuting? Seniority, first come first served, or off-line vs. company personnel are the rules. The fact that you are coming or going to work is irrelevant. Other people 'need' to be where they are going just as badly as you do. Most folks will do what ever is necessary to get as many on board as possible, whether it be writing a pass or riding the actual JS to let an off-line pilot have the last cabin seat. BUT, when there is only one seat left and my seniority, company affiliation or the time I showed up gets me on ahead of you...I'm going unless you can show me some extenuating circumstances, like a death in the family. I just don't see where you commuting to work has any bearing on the situation. The JS is a courtesy, not a right and nobody forced you to commute.

BTW, ACATERRY, this comment isn't directed at you because, frankly, I don't quite understand your whole situation. Apparantly he snaked you somehow, but just how escapes me. If he worked the system to bump you, then I agree it was a low blow.
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It wasn't a knock on Comair on my part. It was just part of the story. Yes it made me a little upset, that I couldn't get home becouse she wanted to do something convenient and have a congigal visit with her husband. Later in the story, If I could have finished....I caught the next flight an hour or so later. No worries.

Terry, Very sarcastic of me. I didn't mean to make a bad joke at an inapropriate time, thats just how my timing usually is.

So... what happened? did you get to work or not?

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