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the REAL Scott Hall

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Ok I'll take some crap for this buuuuttttttt...........
I don't agree with some of the memos Scott puts out pertaining to negotiations but for the must part he has done more for ASA pilots than anyone since Dan Waters.
When allowed to do what a system chief pilot is supposed to do he is great at it. If there is anyone to get pissed at I would focus my anger or attention towards his boss "King Tutt". This guy needs to have a knee cap broken, along with "Broke Back Brian" and "Yo Tony Dinota" These former Deltoids have come to ASA and done nothing but rule with an iron fist. They suck at their respective positions (they've held many) and continue to lack the ability to LEAD our company. There is so much potential of what ASA is capable of but they are too busy tryin to "keep a brother down" (all employee groups included) they aren't able to get the troops in order to do the jobs they were hired to perform.
Whenever Skywest Inc. grows a set and brings in some new talent that can LEAD this airline (mainly by example) they might start reeping better operational performance and in the long run more $$$.
Yup, each day the contract talks are stalled, some bean counter deep in Castle Greyskull deducts .01$ from all of the pilots' checks working at ASA. Called a 'rounding error', this fund is designed as a bonus to management types that are 'successfully' negotiating the contract...

So, we take the extra decimal of a penny and deposit it into an account we have set up.

Sounds great! Haven't I heard this somewhere before though?

Yeah, they did it in Superman 3....
sinca - agree with you except for the denota part. i think he did a pretty good job with maintenace and so far atl is running pretty well since he took over. but the tutt part is right on - that guy is clueless and a tirant. i just hope he retires again soon. i have never met a delta pilot who has anything good to say about him, at all. hall really helped out the fo i flew with last month when his wife was ill, and i have heard similar stories. i have also heard from several ip's some very discouraging things tutt has said at meetings and at the negotiating table about ip's. we have a really great training department and most are now leaving since tutt has taken over.

almost makes you miss drew...
I agree. Say what you want about Scott, but at least back it up with first hand experience. So far, mine have been professional and reasonable. That is all I ask.
I give him credit for being accessible and going face to face with pilots trying to answer questions. Sure he stares at the roof or the floor when you talk to him...but at least he is there trying to answer questions. How much power/pull does he have with the contract anyways? Probabaly none or very little.
Scott's a hired hand... he's going to do what he's told. Tutt and LeBrecque are the ones pulling the strings. I don't really listen to what he has to say about the contract because I've heard it all before.

One thing though, he has gotten some stuff done for the pilot group. Before him, his predecessors would talk a good game and not deliver (remember the PDAs for weight and balance?). Whether Scott is ultimately responsible for things like CASS or Aerodata I don't know, but they did happen on his watch.
If this is really SH, here's some advice. If you've loaned anything to BL and CT, i.e; stapler, lawn mower, maybe a pencil, get it back quick.

And don't buy season tickets for the Braves.

This ugly little candle is burning from both ends.
In all fairness to Mr. Hall, I had a certification issue recently that Scott went out of his way to help me with. Long story short, the examiner that did my ATP kinda dropped the ball in getting my paperwork in, and the FAA thought I was presenting a forged temporary certificate for my SIC type ride. A big hassle that could have gotten much, much uglier if Scott hadn't helped me out. I'm new here, but he seemed like a straight up guy to me.

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