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The NWA/DAL case is a wrap, what do you think?

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He means that the absolutely arrogant Delta pilots on this forum have absolutely no idea what is really going on. There will be no litigation because the award will be somewhere in between. Senior guys won't really care, middle guys may care but only some will push it, junior guys will really care, but the numbers aren't there to make a difference.

Have no idea what is going on? Just read the transcripts, and it clears up. Capt W. did a great job of showing how a dynamic list would screw things up for every Delta pilot, using examples of how a furlough would cause a mess, and how Delta itself would likely say no to it for expense reasons. And, it has NEVER been done before. And BTW, thanks for that A330 flight plan from PDX to ICN. Wow, who came up with that piece of work? It showed us and the arbitrators who we are dealing with. I don't recall Katz saying anything else about it after we brought that up. It helped cement our position on the 76ER vs the A330 alright...

Bye Bye--General Lee
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Believe me you would be going after the wrong person on the RJDC mess is you go after FIN.

Truly a stand up guy. We have all been on the wrong side of the issue at one time or another, he is no different. He left when he saw where it was headed, made his amends and as Puff stated is welcomed by DALPA and the company. They know who he is, and that is that. There is no head hunting here. They realize his value and is an asset given past and current experience.
In essence let it go. The one you want still works for CMR.
:cool: Best of luck to all NW & DAL pilots. It sounds like cooler heads are prevailing in this game.

Have any of you bothered to call FO Bradford (that's USAPA El Presidente to you mister!) for his opinion? It could be good for a laugh.
So, you believe that if DALPA doesn't like the award, they will litigate? Or do you mean that if a negotiated settlement is reached that results in a loss of status quo for Dalpa, DALPA/ALPA could be sued for breach of DFR?

Litigate? Probably not. Sued, naah. We'll just take the advice of your girlpal nwaredtail:

I could care less about that. If the award is anywhere closes to what y'all asked for, then y'all set yourselves up for that.

Checkmate junior.
Looking forward after soc that some fng fo brings that up in the cockpit. The look on his face when the reserve shows up to replace him will be priceless.

What will be even more priceless is seeing you get a few weeks of unpaid vacation for refusing to fly with someone because of a personal conflict.

Fins only knows how to sue. He was/is one of the original RJDC SCABS that tried to sue their way onto the dal sl. When they got their asses handed to them, he slinked away and applied, got hired, and even though acl65plt knows who he is, begged him to not reveal his name. Because he knows that had his name been revealed he would have never made it off probation(If he even is off yet). His anonimity on this board allows him to banter with his new found dal brothers(g.lee,puff, 73pylt,scope etc). These same angry(rightfully so) brothers would cut his nuts off if his true name was ever revealed. It will be interesting once this is all said and done and we have access to the dalpa webboard if we will be able to identify some of these yahoos. I especially like fngs that think we owe them thanks for the payraise. Looking forward after soc that some fng fo brings that up in the cockpit. The look on his face when the reserve shows up to replace him will be priceless. PS are you on for turkey day, and if so will see you at the pad.

When a chief pilot comes to the plane wondering why you are replacing an FO, will you be wearing your hat? I think you better....

Bye Bye--General Lee
I guess he will have that right at the CA. That is fine, I probably will not talk about it, but then it will be well in the the past.
I especially like fngs that think we owe them thanks for the payraise. Looking forward after soc that some fng fo brings that up in the cockpit. The look on his face when the reserve shows up to replace him will be priceless.

When you get back from that 30 day unpaid vacation, let us know how good it felt.

PS are you on for turkey day, and if so will see you at the pad.
Turkey day at the pad?:laugh: Who's the real FNG puke, ****************************** bag?
When a chief pilot comes to the plane wondering why you are replacing an FO, will you be wearing your hat? I think you better....

Bye Bye--General Lee
Trust me on this.....not everyone wears their hat in the cockpit....like you do. Sorry to break that to ya...
Trust me on this.....not everyone wears their hat in the cockpit....like you do. Sorry to break that to ya...

I think he would be in the jetway explaining it, not in the cockpit. Go hide in the cockpit, will ya?

Bye Bye--General Lee

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