Upgrades for new hires will likely happen after there seat lock has expired. The beauty of seat locks, or the pain if you will, is that it causes one to make choices. Stay in the a/c they are currently in and incur no new seat lock until upgrade. Or move to an aircraft greater than 40K GTOW, and then they must decide to upgrade "on-time" with the roll-over lock or stay in the seat until the lock expires. How much do you value your $ or your APU/TCAS? I will concede that I am in a "good" aircraft (everything is relative) and won't go non-APU for 7 or so years in a row.
One of the big debates is the time value of money and how clear is your crystal ball. The voters must decided if they truely can recoop the loses over a career by voting no (if this is their driving issue). Also, one must decide if they think we will get a deal as good, better or worse in 2010-2012 (however long it takes to amend the 05 CBA). It has been made clear that there is no chance for IBB2 if this fails - no time.
Other concerns are:
- the 100 bases are still arbitrary.
-Falcon guys will not make what they could have previously.
- No annual adjustment to the base salaries
- PTO is complex and useless (for its intended purpose) to the junior pilot (seat/fleet).
- The 15 day flex schedule - you have 0 control. It can be junior assigned.
- PBS has 24 months to be implemented. Why does it need to take that long when the programming is already in existance?
- There are some changes to the HBA system that have weaker language than the '05 doc.
- Retiree health care is changed. Some see this as a minus, others as a necessity.
- Use of the company credit card.
This is a negotiation though. Some of these negatives are only negatives for a select group. To each his/her own. Vote accordingly.
Upgrades for new hires will likely happen after there seat lock has expired. The beauty of seat locks, or the pain if you will, is that it causes one to make choices. Stay in the a/c they are currently in and incur no new seat lock until upgrade. Or move to an aircraft greater than 40K GTOW, and then they must decide to upgrade "on-time" with the roll-over lock or stay in the seat until the lock expires. How much do you value your $ or your APU/TCAS? I will concede that I am in a "good" aircraft (everything is relative) and won't go non-APU for 7 or so years in a row.
One of the big debates is the time value of money and how clear is your crystal ball. The voters must decided if they truely can recoop the loses over a career by voting no (if this is their driving issue). Also, one must decide if they think we will get a deal as good, better or worse in 2010-2012 (however long it takes to amend the 05 CBA). It has been made clear that there is no chance for IBB2 if this fails - no time.
Other concerns are:
- the 100 bases are still arbitrary.
-Falcon guys will not make what they could have previously.
- No annual adjustment to the base salaries
- PTO is complex and useless (for its intended purpose) to the junior pilot (seat/fleet).
- The 15 day flex schedule - you have 0 control. It can be junior assigned.
- PBS has 24 months to be implemented. Why does it need to take that long when the programming is already in existance?
- There are some changes to the HBA system that have weaker language than the '05 doc.
- Retiree health care is changed. Some see this as a minus, others as a necessity.
- Use of the company credit card.
This is a negotiation though. Some of these negatives are only negatives for a select group. To each his/her own. Vote accordingly.