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Terrorists Almost strike Again.

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I think corporate management just packs the jobs up for shipping but the Hindus are the ones that actually take the jobs back to India. UBA757
Wacked out individuals, not a wacked out religion

Indy refugee said:
You chose your questions well. Here's a couple you missed.

Who bombed a federal office building in Oklahoma, killing men, women and children in a day care center?

1) Muslim extremist between the ages of 17 and 40.
2) Japanese veterans still angry over WWII.
3) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
4) White American veteran of Irish decent

Who bombed an abortion clinic killing women and children?

1) Muslim extremist between the ages of 17 and 40
2) Osama bin Laden
3) Hasidic Jews posing as pregnant teenagers
4) White christian extremists

Who killed about a dozen people using a sniper rifle in the DC area?

1) Muslim extremists between the ages of 17 and 40
2) Billy the Kid
3) Wyatt Erp and Doc Holliday
4) Black US military veteran and young teenager

Who contaminated several bottles of Tylenol?
Who attempted to bomb the Olympics in Atlanta?
Who was responsible for countless acts of terrorism is the UK and Ireland?
Who killed JFK? A former US Marine
Who shot Ronald Reagan?
Who shot at Gerald Ford? A middle aged woman

Maybe your pattern is a little harder to detect now.

Not only do terrorist come in many varieties, but as soon as you decide a certain group, say old white males, the terrorist will immediately seize on that opportunity to recruit them for their operations.


The pattern is easy to detect.
uba757 said:
I think corporate management just packs the jobs up for shipping but the Hindus are the ones that actually take the jobs back to India.
Nah, management is too busy gutting contracts and dumping pensions.

They ship the jobs to Matamoros for packaging, then the Hindus pick them up.
uba757 said:
Magnum, if they get rid of some of the herd, then who is going to own and run all the convenience stores and dry-cleaners. If you get rid of just 10% of the Muslims in the US then you are going to have a great deal of convenience stores, dry-cleaners closing down. UBA757

wow...then how would you ever get your pointy white hat and sheets cleaned?
Avalanche your hat and sheets are still white? Mine turned military green after the first wash. I'm just reading the label and it says made in India. Those BAS###DS ripped me off. LOL UBA757
labbats said:
Why don't they just target Middle Eastern men? Seems a lot more likely than my mom with some lotion in her purse.

You're right. Until the haajis begin recruiting home-grown white american believers, or use women, or black muslims.
Me: You know how i know you're GAY
You: How?
Me: Because you guys missed the fact that Leggy and Blondes has been used no less than three times so far and all you keep talking about is who killed who and who is resposible for sending jobs overseas...FAGS!!!;) :laugh:
The leggy blondes are responsible for sending jobs overseas.

There. Not gay.
lets see, I guess muslim hate is the new "in" thing. blacks, then asians, then hispanics, and now ANY muslim! Hate is fun!

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