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SWAPA has a transition agreement

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On another note. Have a couple of close friends at luv hired in the mid to late 90s. They say the are in the top 30%, but I don't have a way to verify it. They feel relative seniority starting around 94-95 would be acceptable to them. Worse case they say is staple the capts below sw capts and fo's the same. Both are getting sick of the arrogance of the junior fo's they fly with.

I can see what kind of response you are trying to get. It's not going to happen. Sorry bro! We will leave that to our unions. Your last sentence is not true.
Nah. Just giving another side. Not all feel the same as the junior capts and fos..

PS. How come none of the internet warriors can address my other post?
Yep. The others are junior capts. and fo's. Of course they have a different opinion. They have a different viewpoint on swa. They got hired as swa was by default (read ch 11s) at or near the top. They have a very small timeframe on which to reflect. The more senior ones realize that fortunes come and go, and that except for the last 5 years sw and swapa have been a drag on the profession.
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No responses. Hmmmm...... Truth hurts?

For all the bravado from the boys/girls from Luv, one would think they have been an industry leader in pay/benefits for years. The truth is only since Q1 of 2004 did they go above the industry. It took 4 legacies in ch11 for that to occur. Looking back to Q1 2001 luv was a drag on the industry, somewhere between a good regional and the legacies. The chart starts at Q1 2001 but my guess is the "southwest effect" was even more pronounced (read, bottom feeder wages/benefits) the first 18 years. Keep in mind that in the early 90s most legacies were under concessionary contracts and luv still lagged.


Okay, you've goaded a response out of one of us (though I don't know why I even bother.)

When are you Delta boys going to stop living in the past and start focusing on the here & now? Yes, we lagged you and most legacies until 2004. SINCE THEN, we have continued to improve our pay, tighten our scope, and improve our retirement plan. What about you? I'm sure I'm over-simplifying here and I'm standing by to be corrected, but with the Delta/NWA JCBA (your first opportunity to "take it back"), my impression is of a contract that made minuscule gains in pay, and gave away even more scope (i.e. more 70ish seat RJs).

So going forward, when are YOU gonna "take it back?" When are YOU going to get YOUR 737NG rates above ours? When are YOU going to get the RJ genie back into his bottle of SCOPE? We are CURRENTLY besting you by a wide margin in both these areas...hence we're NOT the problem anymore, we're part of the solution FOR THE PROFESSION. When are YOU going to make a NEW contribution TO THE PROFESSION by setting the "bar" for a while?

When you have accomplished these things, you will have a legitimate gripe about SWA and SWAPA. Until then, please just STFU and go enjoy your industry-leading merger.
On another note. Have a couple of close friends at luv hired in the mid to late 90s. They say the are in the top 30%, but I don't have a way to verify it. They feel relative seniority starting around 94-95 would be acceptable to them. Worse case they say is staple the capts below sw capts and fo's the same. Both are getting sick of the arrogance of the junior fo's they fly with.

Doubt it....
So going forward, when are YOU gonna "take it back?" When are YOU going to get YOUR 737NG rates above ours? When are YOU going to get the RJ genie back into his bottle of SCOPE?

They are too busy on the PFT thing.
Oh I see. Typing a little to fast. So when did the grammar police hijack this thread? Oh well. I am sure you got the point.

It wasn't about the grammar ... for the most part anyway. :)

The logic and analysis was full of holes. I'm not going to go through the essay and pull it apart. It is disappointing that you don't understand a lot about the Airline that is going to play a part in your future.

If you understood the relative worth of AirTran then you may be a little happier with the situation.


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