Ok, that makes sense. A lot of the SWA guys on here talk about how much time off they have, and I figured to be pulling down >$200K you probably had to be working more than most. More power to you... someone's got to do it.
The SWA CONTRACT is pretty generous in days off per month in large part because the pilot work days are so productive. The don't make their time w rigs,they FLY it. That leaves lots of days off for the guys who hustle to go out and grab more. Throw in premium pay, etc and an FO can make fat Captain salary. For thosenof who want to hustle but who are restricted by contracts that limit us or lines that are unproductive it's pretty frustrating.
I think the SWA guys are fluffing up the contracts too much and are pushing themselves into uncompetitive legacy realms but that maybe should be tackled in another thread or at least after I have my breakfast!