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SWA-AAI Going Rogue

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Thanks Bob for your FANTASTIC insight. Anyways........I actually learned a lot during my own SLI experience, and I have advice to give.(actually on SLIs, relationships, bidding, and other topics. Go see my website) No, TY and I are not disco dancing partners, but we do share one thing, we don't like cocky SWA pilots. So, let the arbitration take it's course, and we'll see how it works out. There is NOTHING anyone can do to convince the other "side" that you are correct. The neutral will decide because that is what they are paid well to do.

Bye Bye---General Lee

You're quite welcome. Have fun with your new best pals, the Trannies. I guess after the merger goes thru you can go back to trashing them again. Gotta love a man with principles. You rock!

At least for now you and your new best friend Ty can meet up on ATL layovers for some male bonding and maybe even some good old fashioned furniture moving!

See ya pal!
You know Dan, when it's Hawaiian's turn in the M&A barrel, I don't plan on wading in to the threads with plenty of pompous prognostications about a situation I don't understand or have any skin in. How about extending us the same courtesy (in spite of our lousy attitudes?)

I'm a little preplexed why you think a forum that is open to all airlines should be treated as your personal discussion board? As you said, it could happen here at Hawaiian so what happens in the whole industry does in fact have a bearing on us. That is why I am following this. I want to know as much about pilots attitudes in a merger as I can should it happen to us. As far as extending you any courtesies, think of this as someone looking at it without a bias in either direction. I have equal respect for SWA and AT. The key word there is equal.
BTW, I do have some experience in this arena. Greg Brenneman tried to merge AQ into HAL in 2002. Much of what I see here is similar to the rhetoric back than, in fact I'm learning about pilot human nature in a merger here, it's intersting. We has a few that said "Staple Them!", they had a few that were also unrealistic. I can say I truly felt that I wanted the merger to be as fair for BOTH sides as possible.
But you are right, I am no were near as invested in this, nor do I have as much insight into it as you would, I'm a spectator here, but if you don't want spectators, don't play in a public arena.
Good luck to all you guys, the reality is we are all still pretty fortunate to be doing what we are doing.
in other words, if we do find us in a M&A situation, please do wade in, I would appreciate your viewpoint having gone through it.
You too General!
At least for now you and your new best friend Ty can meet up on ATL layovers for some male bonding and maybe even some good old fashioned furniture moving!

See ya pal!

Loosely translated:

"I have no valid point to make, so I will call them gay".
you are so easy. you must be the hit at the party. so so so easy to get your goat. you have no idea when you are being taken. now when I say "to the bottom" your BP will go up 100 pts. like taken candy from a baby
you are so easy. you must be the hit at the party. so so so easy to get your goat. you have no idea when you are being taken. now when I say "to the bottom" your BP will go up 100 pts. like taken candy from a baby

More evidence of the "superior selection process" and "superior culture" that we should eagerly trade our seniority for. :rolleyes:
Well put.

I can't understand the need for others to get so involved with issues that do not concern them. No one has asked for their infinite wisdom. Why do they feel the need to share?

The General thinks since he has lived through ONE arbitration of seniority lists that he is the undeniable expert on the process for every other future integration in the history of time. I have decided that 15,000 posts on this forum by any one individual is not a display of experience, but one struggling to make a name for themselves. It does no garner respect, it garners pity. It is not funny. Just plain sad.

Same to you as what I said to NTS. Like I said, if it ever happens to us, I sure as hell do want to hear what the people that have been through it have to say. What harm is that?
How is the number of posts equate to cockyness? I'm home sick so I'm posting more, does that make me more cocky?
Good luck to everyone.

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