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Stories of pilots trying to impress women!!

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Slag--We need pictures! :D TC
Anybody who went to an aviation school in small town ND or AZ knows that the line does not work. I did however witness one of the fellow CFI's sitting at a table with his licenses out of his wallet. She wasn't impressed.
check6 said:
I did however witness one of the fellow CFI's sitting at a table with his licenses out of his wallet. She wasn't impressed.

Is that kinda like sitting at a table with your tallywhacker hangin out???:pimp:
It is getting harder to impress women nowdays.

One fellow tried the "come fly in my Citation" line on me recently. He didn't know I was sitting next to the CP and POI for the outfit that owned the Citation. I played along until the "make Dallas in a hour" line. Then the POI lost it.

He still had a chance after the Dallas line, but trying to bluff the female POI was a dual engine flame-out.

C'est la guerre.
About a year ago my girlfriend was at the airport patiently getting denied flight after oversold flight on one of my Mesa buddy passes. Now, She's a good looking girl.... Way outta my league... I had to keep her drunk for the first year.....

Anyhow.... She's sitting there reading a book at the gate and an early 20's FO sits across from her reading some motor trend mag or the likes... She noticed him constantly looking over the mag to see if she was looking at him. She said he would pause, put down the magazine and constantly straighten his eppauletts. HE then picks up his cell phone and (she surmised) proceeded to make a fake phone call to his "buddy" speaking in a very loud voice about how he thinks he's going to buy the new z6 he was reading about that weekend. After about 10 minutes he mustered the courage to actually sit down beside her and attempt conversation. She tried to be nice and conversational but she said he kept talking about himself and how great it was being such a young "captain"... (Remember, she's been supporting MY broke captain arse for over a year now and knows quite well what 3-bars and a set of Mesa wings means) Finally after a few minutes she couldn't stand it anymore and kindly explained that she could see through his BS and that she knows "the truth" about how little he was being paid. Bewildered, the douchebagg asked "what are you a flight attendant or something?" She replied no, I'm a nurse, but my boyfriend is desperately trying to escape Mesa's talons of death.

Believe it or not this whack-job continues to probe her. "What does he fly?"

She responded "the Dash for now, but he's quite sure he'll be displaced to jet FO in the near future."

What happened next truley amazed me...... "He replied, The Dash??? Doesn't that have propellers? I was hired into the Jet. I went to school in Farmington to become a JET pilot. He really should consider himself lucky if he gets displace to Jet FO.

She apparently laughed, shook her head and walked away... This nincompoop actually attempted to follow her! She had to scurry into a ladies room and hide out for 10 minutes to escape! Too funny....
Chief Pilot

Primary Operations Inspector (fed)

or possibly

C0Cky Pr!ck


Penile Orifice Irritant
If I dont drop the ''I'm a professional bug smasher" line just for giggles I usually tell em. WTF should I care what some dumb broad at a bar thinks. I'm an honest guy and Ill tell ya what I do. Has it gotten me laid strictly for that fact? No. I'm me and I have a lot more to offer than being a pilot, which usually means Im the number 1 bada$$ at the bar, now that girls are attracted to.

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