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Spirit TA

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A Chelsea Catering "supervisor" in charge of 4 catering trucks is considered management and will pass ride ahead of a 30 year 777 Captain in charge of a $100 million plus airplane and 300 lives, who is just a regular employee. Dignity and Respect, CAL style!

Got it.
No hierarchy at CAL.

CAL gives 2010 catering hires travel priority over 1975 pilot hires as an example.

And CAL ALPA is fine with the way things are set up.

But back to the original idea, is the Spirit TA better than the current CAL contract? I already know the answer but just want to know how bad CAL really is these days.

Prove any of what you just wrote with any factual evidence other than your worthless opinion and we might actually start to listen to you. Nah, bad idea. Your banter ain't worth the hype, poconopilot.
But back to the original point, how much better is the Spirit TA than the current CAL contract?

I bet after the Spirit TA details come out CAL ALPA counters CAL CEO Smeink's offer of DAL +1 to Spirit +1. Spirit +1 is way more gutsy than CAL pilots have operated since 1983.

CAL has some scabs but even more so has a SCAB mentality which need to be eliminated. And travel status is a clear example of such behavior.
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But back to the original point, how much better is the Spirit TA than the current CAL contract?

I bet after the Spirit TA details come out CAL ALPA counters CAL CEO Smeink's offer of DAL +1 to Spirit +1. Spirit +1 is way more gutsy than CAL pilots have operated since 1983.

CAL has some scabs but even more so has a SCAB mentality which need to be eliminated. And travel status is a clear example of such behavior.

Who the %uck are you and who do you work for?
I'm beginning to fear this Spirit TA might not be good.

Whenever you hear crickets from the MEC, it's usually bad.

I hope not, but they have been silent...

These issues will be addressed by UAL you can count on it.

Hopefully you clowns will do a better job on this than you did with your Scope clause which put 1400 of your ALPA brothers and Sisters on the street.

How are your retired pilots pensions doing these days troll?
Hopefully you clowns will do a better job on this than you did with your Scope clause which put 1400 of your ALPA brothers and Sisters on the street.

How are your retired pilots pensions doing these days troll?

Do you honestly think he works for UAL? - Really?!
Strike 1 for language. Knock it off and keep it clean.

Moderator warning: this board has gotten a bit excessive with the language and violations lately. Anyone in this thread (and anyone else who's received warnings in the last week) will get an automatic 10 days in the penalty box for the next infraction, skipping the 3 day warnings altogether.

2nd suspension goes to 30 days. 3rd suspension = permanent ban.

You people have been here WAY too long not to know better. You are *allegedly* professionals. Act like it.


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