The pilots at NJA will be paid what we are worth and nothing less.
Ahh. I'm there with you on this one. I'm not trying to pick an argument with you guys. I respect you all. But what are we pilots worth? We live in a time when all of the major professions are being devalued. Lawyers and doctors, pilots and engineers, we all have less earning power than we had twenty, thirty years ago. We pilots may have taken the biggest hit. Capital, on the other hand, has gained enormously. Executives and entreprenuers continue to increase their lead in wealth creation, leaving the rest of us in the dust.
How much am I worth? I bring an intelligent and educated approach to a difficult and highly technical problem. I have a highly perishable skill that is hard to acquire. I work hard to acquire knowledge and develop judgement. I collaborate with a colleague on matters that require swift decisions, and skillfull execution. I hold the lives of my well heeled passengers in my hands at mach .7 at flight level 410. How much am I worth? I think six figures, minimum.
The market does not agree with me. And the market will decide, no matter what I believe. But the market will also get what it pays for. So far, it has Lexington, Kentucky, and Buffalo, New York. I'm waiting for the next smoking hole with two underpaid and pilots at the bottom of it. What the public will see is all of the rest of the passengers who follow them in. Unfortunately, that probably will not change the market. Maybe an act of congress will. If the standards are raised at the airlines, and airline pilots find themselves making more money, then we can reasonably expect to make more as well. I'm not holding my breath.
How much am I worth? More than what I make. You can bank on it.