Really, when was the last time you ever talked to your CEO?
I've called mine on many occasions and had very constuctive talks with him. I also see him in my jumpseat regularly. to say I don't have a voice in my career is extremely ignorant.
Skywest isn't the only thing affecting your career. The flight/duty time ARC in DC is going to significantly affect your career. You don't have a voice there. Cabotage will have a huge affect on your career. You don't have a voice in DC or on the international stage for that, either. Congress is currently debating new training, background check, and minimum hiring guidelines for pilots. Where's your voice there?
There's a hell of a lot more to an air line pilot's career than what happens within his own company. Time to pull your head out of the sand and join the rest of us in the fight for our profession.
In fact, the majority of ASA pilots would vote ALPA off the property today...
In that case, why aren't your pushing for a representational election, Joey? If it's so certain, then get off your ass and make democracy work for you! But of course, the real truth is that you're just a little whiner in the extreme minority that couldn't survive in the political process, so you just attack ALPA to make yourself feel better.
Of course you don't know Dan B....
I know him.....unfortunately. One of the sleaziest people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. I was about to file Article VIII charges against him for his attempts to interfere with our organizing drive at AirTran, but he resigned his ALPA membership a few days before I could file. I feel sorry for the IBT guys that have to deal with him now.