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Skywest doing NWA flying?

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yep......only one CFI...in my class...the rest were 121..135...corp...all avoiding ALPA........sorry....ALPA does a lot of good...but not a lot for the regionals..........for now...if they get better at it....i ll change my tune ...but until...then...not a fan.......
yep......only one CFI...in my class...the rest were 121..135...corp...all avoiding ALPA........sorry....ALPA does a lot of good...but not a lot for the regionals..........for now...if they get better at it....i ll change my tune ...but until...then...not a fan.......

all avoiding ALPA? Don't you mean hunting for the quick upgrade?
what ever makes you sleep at night. scum bag.

Too bad you work for a $hitty carrier. Sad part is that you know it. Thats cool dude if i just came out of instructing and couldn't get hired elsewhere I would probably think the sun rises and set in Sky Worst like you do. Get some class and make this a profession again. Ya Toolshed

Wow, two angry childish replies! Did I hit a nerve? Could you please make a list for me of "respectable" regional airlines that have class and professionalism? I would kill to sit next to a guy that is crying about SkyWest like this on every flight. Gosh knows SkyWest should be rejecting every opportunity to expand and make more money so that you feel better about yourself. I mean, it's not like airlines want to make money or anything.

You need a serious reality check. If your airline is losing flying to SkyWest you don't need to be blaming them. Any airline would take smart steps to expand and bring in higher profits. Look within your own company and union for changes to be made. Why is it not a single pilot group has gone on strike over this? Hmm. Yeah okay that's what I thought, so stfu.

Like you said, things will not always be so cheery at SkyWest and that's not really a big secret to anyone (afterall, this is the airline industry); however, things are good there now(and they generally always have been for the past 30 years). Why is it every time an airline, union or not, becomes very successful some people here start pissing and moaning like little spoiled kids?

Grow up kid or go work in a cubicle.

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Are you aware of the ALPA drive??? Yes, some of us ARE stepping up to the plate.

I'll believe that you steped up to the plate when I see it. Until then. My opinion wont change

Your CEO works you guys like putty in his hand, hiring 30-60 a month you have no growth for that.

He is just padding the ballot box with FNG's

Like my buddy said Hunting for the quick upgrade. I will sit and laugh when it takes seven years to upgrade at your $hitty carrier.

Then you'll be begging for some union representation.

Let it Rain
Wow, two angry childish replies! Did I hit a nerve? Could you please make a list for me of "respectable" regional airlines that have class and professionalism? I would kill to sit next to a guy that is crying about SkyWest like this on every flight. Gosh knows SkyWest should be rejecting every opportunity to expand and make more money so that you feel better about yourself. I mean, it's not like airlines want to make money or anything.

You need a serious reality check. If your airline is losing flying to SkyWest you don't need to be blaming them. Any airline would take smart steps to expand and bring in higher profits. Look within your own company and union for changes to be made. Why is it not a single pilot group has gone on strike over this? Hmm. Yeah okay that's what I thought, so stfu.

Like you said, things will not always be so cheery at SkyWest and that's not really a big secret to anyone (afterall, this is the airline industry); however, things are good there now(and they generally always have been for the past 30 years). Why is it every time an airline, union or not, becomes very successful some people here start pissing and moaning like little spoiled kids?

Grow up kid or go work in a cubicle.


Listen here

Your whole pilot group hits a nerve with the rest of the industry. Everyone knows that Skywest is the gutter ball carrier of this industry.

Step up to the plate and get the job done. I know that is going to be hard when Jerry padds the ballott box with FNG's but if you guys are so senior and experienced you should be able to get it done.

Oh by the way that new pay schedule you just signed is all smoke and mirrors your still bringing up the rear.. It would sure piss me off to have to fly a 700 & 900 for fifty seat rates. Knowing everyone else is getting more. But hey if you will work for nothing they will surely let you.
He is just padding the ballot box with FNG's

air, while I don't agree with the tone, I believe you hit a home run on this speculation. New guys will typically will not like union but be more inclined to side with managment on many issues. They put the blinders on and focus on the quick upgrade and will step over the bodies strewn along the way to acheive it.

Hence the newhires will be allowed tovote on the union drive. I'd lay even money that if only the guys there over a year were able to vote, it would go.

I'll say this, the bad blood between ASA and SkyWest has got to go. It's nothing but poison and will only serve to keep us seperate just has SkyWest Inc wants. But think about this SkyWest guys.... What sort of leverage will the combined pilot groups have if we end up with one seniority list? Sooner or later, this game will come down to just a few holding companies like MAIR, SkyWest Inc, Republic and Mesa. And I don't see MAIR in this game much longer. We have to get our ducks in a row and prrotect ourselves now because the boys in St George are watching out for the shareholders first and not you.
Actually when you think about it, it's not far fetched. I mean NWA is expected to buy Delta so I guess Skywest will fly for NWA. All those shiny new red tails, oh yeah. Although Skywest won't see any growth out of the deal, the will certainly enjoy flying with the furloughs resulting from the merger in the J4J contract.
Actually when you think about it, it's not far fetched. I mean NWA is expected to buy Delta so I guess Skywest will fly for NWA. All those shiny new red tails, oh yeah. Although Skywest won't see any growth out of the deal, the will certainly enjoy flying with the furloughs resulting from the merger in the J4J contract.

Drool over it you scumb, i feel bad for the Mesaba and Pinnicale guy's. They are going to get screwed by Skywest just like Air Wiskey and ACA did. I hope all you skywest loosers are proud.
Drool over it you scumb, i feel bad for the Mesaba and Pinnicale guy's. They are going to get screwed by Skywest just like Air Wiskey and ACA did. I hope all you skywest loosers are proud.


As you continue to spout off about Skywest, at least get your freakin words right snapperhead.
Drool over it you scumb, i feel bad for the Mesaba and Pinnicale guy's. They are going to get screwed by Skywest just like Air Wiskey and ACA did. I hope all you skywest loosers are proud.
You didn't read my post. A delta/NWA merger will result in about 500 mainline furloughs. NWA has jets for jobs setup in the contract. Since the other regionals are ALPA and the don;t operate 70 seat jets there will be no flowback. So about 500 Skywest captains would be displaced by mainline furloughs. Also because the scope contract limits the amount of 900's if skywest wanted to fly them, they would have to allow NWA/Delta flowbacks. NWA furloughs are not allowed to flowback into mesaba per the NWA mainline contract either. So the additional growth would go to Mesaba and Skywest pilots would be fcuked.
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