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Seniority list at the new AA?

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I was told by a west pilot recently that USAPA has DOH in their constitution and they think they can get it from the APA without going to arbitration, because they know darn well an arbitrator won't let them steal seniority or redo an already arbitrated list. Their argument goes something like this, "hey American pilots, let us have DOH, because we're all going to retire in five years anyways. Yeah we know ignoring the NIC will make you and the company liable, but you don't want all those Mesa pilots above you." I wanted to laugh, but I know it is a serious matter for pilots that have to deal with those idiots.
It's nice to see the level of intelligence and integrity that are shown here by both Delta and American pilots, maybe there is hope for the profession. As for the majority of east US pilots, those sleazy dumbA$$es are the reason I quite aviation. I deal with plenty of sleazy corporate lawyers and the average east pilot puts them all to shame.
I am an AA pilot and frankly I have no idea how the Nic will affect us, only that in ANY scenario, the bottom half of our list will definitely take a hit. And I'm ready for that, just the nature of the beast in any merger between two large airlines.

DOH = DOA. Sorry, not gonna happen, much to Usapa's dismay. This would be way too skewed to Usapa's favor. I'm thinking it will be either the Nic with AA pilots slotted in via relative seniority, or a complete redo of all 3 lists using relative seniority.

Our union leaders and arbitrators need to enroll at Delta University for a lesson on one of the most successful, non-confrontational seniority integrations ever.

Purely opinion, but I think the east is going to actively harm themselves in any outcome of arbitration due to the required hardline stance of DOH in the USAPA constitution. Coming with and holding to the untenable position of DOH is going to be destructive to east pilots in this integration as it was in their last.

The party that comes with a moderate and reasonable offer will be in the position to guide the end result. Pounding one's fist on the table while chanting DOH DOH DOH will only yield another Nic-like result -or- for a post McCaskill-Bond example, F9-RAH.

Being a hardliner in this case is a weakness not a strength, but I'm mega-junior so i'm going at the bottom of the pile no matter what.
Why dont they just use a lottery system 2/3 of the people are gonna be miserable anyways, might as well make it interesting. They could throw a big vegas party and you get wasted as a ping pong ball determines your future.
Why dont they just use a lottery system 2/3 of the people are gonna be miserable anyways, might as well make it interesting. They could throw a big vegas party and you get wasted as a ping pong ball determines your future.

Hold the mother of all beer pong tournaments. Winner gets seniority number 1 and lowest ranked gets seniority number last.

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