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Seniority list at the new AA?

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Dornier 335 said:
from USAPA:

During the past several days, the lawyer for the West Pilot Class has sent letters to USAPA, APA and US Airways suggesting that the West Pilots would file a lawsuit to stop the merger unless US Airways implements the Nicolau Award.

Here's the letter in question:

It's a lie to state Leonidas seeks to stop the merger. The letters states "an injunction of the merger process" which means only to stop the pilot seniority integration proceedings. Typical Eastie deception.
USAPA is back to the old Cleary playbook of lies and misinformation to manage the Easties expectations. Please get some real info before following USAPA over the DOH cliff once again....
If USAPA thinks that they are going to steamroll the APA and the arbitrators with some kind of DOH list, they are going to get their heads handed to them. I've seen some dumbsh*t stuff before, but these guys are are going 90 miles an hour down a dead end road.
A west pilot said it well when he described the east, "the safety's off and they're going full retard."
If USAPA thinks that they are going to steamroll the APA and the arbitrators with some kind of DOH list, they are going to get their heads handed to them. I've seen some dumbsh*t stuff before, but these guys are are going 90 miles an hour down a dead end road.

LOL. Yep.
CRJ puppy's message is hidden because it's just not worth reading.

Bye Bye---General Lee
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