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Seniority list at the new AA?

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Is it? How much of YOUR tax money was spent to impeach Clinton? How much $$$ did the lawyers walk away with? Face it, society is changing. Starts on the top and penetrates through all levels of society.

We agree to one thing, then decide on the other. Majority rules. That in a nutshell is democracy, love it or hate it! Fact is, you get screwed. Some more than others.
What "we" are you referring to? Are you saying that you would prefer a society without a sense of "right" or "wrong"? How far would you go to advance your agenda? Society isn't changing in any permanent sense. Folks like you ride the swing toward permissiveness until it bites you so hard that you re-evaluate where your cynicism has gotten you and you begin to long for either a return to traditional values or demand justice for your newly discovered oppression.

And in this country we temper democracy as a republic and we neither love it nor hate it, but set it's boundaries so that it serves us. At it's core is the requirement to abide by agreements even when those agreements may harm us individually, but benefit us as a society.

Your flavor of relativism is nothing new, but it has always, and will always be vanquished by integrity and honor. I truly hope you live a life that gets the chance to understand that.
Is it? How much of YOUR tax money was spent to impeach Clinton? How much $$$ did the lawyers walk away with? Face it, society is changing. Starts on the top and penetrates through all levels of society.

We agree to one thing, then decide on the other. Majority rules. That in a nutshell is democracy, love it or hate it! Fact is, you get screwed. Some more than others. I am not affected by it, am just getting tired to hear the angry haters on ALL sides, whether it's in person or on the net.

Actually, I didn't answer to you last time, because I have a life outside aviation and this bulletin board and got distracted with more interesting things. I spent/waste my time on it now, cause the weather is crap and I am procrastinating with my tax return.

As I previously wrote, and I shall repeat myself, binding doesn't mean anything these days. In the new world of "no new taxes, NOT having sex, or WMDs in a middle eastern country" if there is a legal way to circumcise "binding" and it's meaning/intention, so be it. Whether it is right or wrong. There are plenty of examples in the international business world, where e.g. people realize they signed onto a sh!tty deal and fight it. If you can appeal, because you can, appeal!

GL, you are entitled to your opinion like all the other users on this board, but what benefit do you have stirring up the same crap over and over again? You don't even work for USAir, what's your mental anal attraction with your continuous repetition regarding this monotonous subject of infinite buggeration?

Was DL fair to the companies they acquired (PA/WA)? Moreover, do you personally CARE what happened to those pilots back then? How come you don't raise this awesome subject as much as you do the USAir East/Am West or AT/SWA?

Stirring up the same crap? It's IMPORTANT TO THIS INDUSTRY TO NOT DISREGARD BINDING ARBITRATION. That isn't "crap." You and your "Bill Clinton did this....." and "Pan Am was treated this way...." is all a deflection. Why are you involved? I have friends at the West side that have been treated POORLY to say the least. I want them to get what they were AWARDED. Got it? Good.

Bye Bye---General Lee
I don't have a problem with the General rebutting the East pilots claims & advising them about karma. If the General is an "outsider" looking in, then he is just one of many that know what USAPA's DOH land grab is all about. They know about the various courtroom persecutions (Cactus18, Address-Gate, etc). They know that USAPA has spent over $10,000.000.00 in legal on fruitless, pointless, hopeless litigation. Delay is all that has been bought to date, and it has cost us ALL dearly.

I'm saluting the General. The truth shall set you free!!;)

Ok Cactus boy

Gotta call you out on the comments about address- gate.
How could that be blamed on the East - lets see - a website (aol) walks into the chief pilots office and says give me the list of names of the east pilots

Oh wait a minute - I have it wrong - an East pilot walks into PHX chief pilots office and says let's hand out the list of all East pilots names, address, and social security numbers so we can mail them all a nice pretty coloring book (c'mon now - you do remember those pretty glossy mailings that YOU paid for right)

I sure hope the arbitrator takes that into consideration when he puts the list together.

Honestly - you used to be somewhat thoughtful in your comments - you must be stressing out - take your own advise - it is out of your hands even though you have probably forked over some big bucks to win the lotto.

Guess what - we over in the East also have just as much if not more invested in this. I hope it works out for all.

I don't have a problem with the General rebutting the East pilots claims & advising them about karma. If the General is an "outsider" looking in, then he is just one of many that know what USAPA's DOH land grab is all about. They know about the various courtroom persecutions (Cactus18, Address-Gate, etc). They know that USAPA has spent over $10,000.000.00 in legal on fruitless, pointless, hopeless litigation. Delay is all that has been bought to date, and it has cost us ALL dearly.

I'm saluting the General. The truth shall set you free!!;)

Ok Cactus boy

Gotta call you out on the comments about address- gate.
How could that be blamed on the East - lets see - a westie (aol) walks into the chief pilots office and says give me the list of names of the east pilots

Oh wait a minute - I have it wrong - an East pilot walks into PHX chief pilots office and says let's hand out the list of all East pilots names, address, and social security numbers so we can mail them all a nice pretty coloring book (c'mon now - you do remember those pretty glossy mailings that YOU paid for right)

I sure hope the arbitrator takes that into consideration when he puts the list together.

Honestly - you used to be somewhat thoughtful in your comments - you must be stressing out - take your own advise - it is out of your hands even though you have probably forked over some big bucks to win the lotto.

Guess what - we over in the East also have just as much if not more invested in this. I hope it works out for all.

Ok Cactus boy

Gotta call you out on the comments about address- gate.
How could that be blamed on the East - lets see - a website (aol) walks into the chief pilots office and says give me the list of names of the east pilots

Oh wait a minute - I have it wrong - an East pilot walks into PHX chief pilots office and says let's hand out the list of all East pilots names, address, and social security numbers so we can mail them all a nice pretty coloring book (c'mon now - you do remember those pretty glossy mailings that YOU paid for right)

I sure hope the arbitrator takes that into consideration when he puts the list together.

Honestly - you used to be somewhat thoughtful in your comments - you must be stressing out - take your own advise - it is out of your hands even though you have probably forked over some big bucks to win the lotto.

Guess what - we over in the East also have just as much if not more invested in this. I hope it works out for all.



My buddy in PHX who is a mid-level A320 FO there can hold CAPT on the 320 in CLT with the NIC list. He has been sitting in pure HECK while the Easties have tried to outlast them, trying to force them into accepting something that wasn't even close to what they were legally awarded. Both MECs and management signed on the bottomline. It happened.

Any future arbitrator (who probably knows Nicolau personally) will not look at the small stuff (like sending out a mailer), rather that your side DISREGARDED a binding award. I think that will be the first thing he looks at. As the last judge said, USAPA was on "dangerous ground" doing that.

I have plenty of friends out West, and they rolled the dice and honorably stuck to whatever award happened. Nic even gave reasons why he ruled the way he did (all arbitrators do that), so if you have questions, review it.

Bye Bye---General Lee

My buddy in PHX who is a mid-level A320 FO there can hold CAPT on the 320 in CLT with the NIC list. He has been sitting in pure HECK while the Easties have tried to outlast them, trying to force them into accepting something that wasn't even close to what they were legally awarded. Both MECs and management signed on the bottomline. It happened.

Any future arbitrator (who probably knows Nicolau personally) will not look at the small stuff (like sending out a mailer), rather that your side DISREGARDED a binding award. I think that will be the first thing he looks at. As the last judge said, USAPA was on "dangerous ground" doing that.

I have plenty of friends out West, and they rolled the dice and honorably stuck to whatever award happened. Nic even gave reasons why he ruled the way he did (all arbitrators do that), so if you have questions, review it.

Bye Bye---General Lee

General -

Do you think it would be fair that a NWA pilot based in DTW who was hired 10 years after you should be able to bid into ATL as Captain and leapfrog over you by hundreds of positions ?

I want your PHX F/O friend to bid Captain - when his doh in PHX allows him to do it - if he wants to bid clt - that is fine also as long as it is by doh - not by jumping over hundreds of pilots just because he thinks he won a lottery.

I just don't understand how you think it would be fair , as long as it wasn't happening to you?

(Of course my assumption is that you are original DAL - if your original NWA ) then i understand)!?

General -

Do you think it would be fair that a NWA pilot based in DTW who was hired 10 years after you should be able to bid into ATL as Captain and leapfrog over you by hundreds of positions ?

I want your PHX F/O friend to bid Captain - when his doh in PHX allows him to do it - if he wants to bid clt - that is fine also as long as it is by doh - not by jumping over hundreds of pilots just because he thinks he won a lottery.

I just don't understand how you think it would be fair , as long as it wasn't happening to you?

(Of course my assumption is that you are original DAL - if your original NWA ) then i understand)!?


Your concept of fair has nothing to do with it. It's hard to believe the collective east mentality still doesn't comprehend binding arbitration. If you want to talk fair why should the west pilots have to suffer the past six years so your sorry airline could keep flying? It's no secret that Airways was on the verge of liquidation.

If you get divorced and come to an alimony settlement in court would changing your name absolve you from your responsibilities? If you don't feel like it was a fair outcome can you just disregard the judgment?
Your concept of fair has nothing to do with it. It's hard to believe the collective east mentality still doesn't comprehend binding arbitration. If you want to talk fair why should the west pilots have to suffer the past six years so your sorry airline could keep flying? It's no secret that Airways was on the verge of liquidation.

If you get divorced and come to an alimony settlement in court would changing your name absolve you from your responsibilities? If you don't feel like it was a fair outcome can you just disregard the judgment?

Nope, but when the situation changes, you go back to court and adjust the alimony. Nice example. :beer:
Ok Cactus boy

Gotta call you out on the comments about address- gate.
How could that be blamed on the East - lets see - a website (aol) walks into the chief pilots office and says give me the list of names of the east pilots

Oh wait a minute - I have it wrong - an East pilot walks into PHX chief pilots office and says let's hand out the list of all East pilots names, address, and social security numbers so we can mail them all a nice pretty coloring book (c'mon now - you do remember those pretty glossy mailings that YOU paid for right).

I sure hope the arbitrator takes that into consideration when he puts the list together.

Honestly - you used to be somewhat thoughtful in your comments - you must be stressing out - take your own advise - it is out of your hands even though you have probably forked over some big bucks to win the lotto.

Guess what - we over in the East also have just as much if not more invested in this. I hope it works out for all.


While you have some of the facts, you don't have all of the facts of the case. Ultimately it comes down to these words from Steven Johnson (LCC EVP): "… The investigation found no evidence that members of Leonidas used or further disclosed the social security numbers for any purpose. The Excel file did not contain passport numbers or information pertaining to the federal flight deck officer program..

In summary, an extensive investigation has concluded there is no evidence any pilot should be concerned.."

Address-gate is just another of many persecution attempts against the West Class pilot group.

Did you know that anyone can go and buy a pilot data (www.landings.com)? Since we (pilots) must notify the government every time we move, the information is readily available. That's why you get mailings from John & Martha King every month. I don't see anyone suing them for those mailings.

The arbitrators will take everything into consideration, believe me.

Speaking of investment, we (the West Class) have been paying for both sides of the legal fence, so I think we have you beat.


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