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Scab List is Real

  • Thread starter sunlitpath
  • Start date
  • Watchers 32

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Most pilots listed (CAL, UAL) are now in good standing with ALPA. Most are Widebody captains and have never missed a paycheck. The best thing these guys did was to cross. Not like many USAIR East pilots who stuck it out and are now paying the price thanks to ALPA and its screwed way to run a so called Union.


My blood is boiling right now because I'm so pissed that the above statement is true.
I hate scabs as much as the next guy. However, you should read the rules of this forum.

NO SCAB LISTS or links to scab lists may be placed on these forums. No calling a member/non-member a scab. Violators will be permanently banned at first offense if or when the Websitemaster/moderators feel deemed.

You should also read the rules:

"1-R.f-subsection j--Whenever it becomes apparent that a member of this forum falls victim to the unfortunate situation of having a stick find its way into said member's ass, such member shall make all expedient and reasonable efforts to have offending woody object removed from the affected orifice forthwith. If said member is unable or unwilling to have the stick or sticks removed from his or her offending a-hole, he or she shall refrain from posting on this forum until the stick-in-ass syndrome is resolved. Furthermore, said member shall retreat to the nearest corner of the most convenient room and commence to a minimum of three hours of thumb sucking. If this remedy fails to alleviate the stick/ass syndrome-perhaps a call to his/her mommy and a glass of warm milk, followed quickly by a "nite-nite story" will make everything all better by morning."
somewhere there is also an ammended page that listd the GJ guys. I have it on my old computer.

As it was said above that is a myth because to be a scab you have to strike. If you're talking about an additional bottom feeder pilot group, you could include most of the regional industry in that.
I've had a copy of the "Master Scab List" for a while, and I've done a bit of research on it. Long story short, many of the people on the list belong there. Others do not. Parts of the list have been cobbled together from a series of word-of-mouth rumor chains years after the fact, and the list is not officially sanctioned by ALPA or any other union. There is no union signoff on this list, and the website and contact email given on the .pdf file do not exist.

Some people ended up on that list for reasons that are apocryphal at best, and malicious at worst. As an example from my personal experience, I have had extensive dealings with two former Eastern pilots whose names appear on the list. They have both proven, to the satisfaction of myself, their current unions, and their co-workers (some of whom are former Eastern pilots who do NOT appear on the list) that they didn't scab for Lorenzo, and made great personal sacrifices to avoid doing so. They haven't a clue how they got on the list in the first place, and no procedure exists for getting names removed from it. Needless to say, their presence on the list has damaged their careers, and caused them no small amount of personal grief.

But as I said, that's just one example from my own experience. For another discussion of the questionable nature of this list, and of a pilot on the list who disputes his place there, please follow this link: http://unfactualbias.com/wordpress/?p=242. The examples I've referenced are by no means the only ones.

The label of "Scab" carries more weight than most people can know. People in this industry, especially some of you FI keyboard warriors, would do well to remember that before throwing it around so lightly.
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As it was said above that is a myth because to be a scab you have to strike. If you're talking about an additional bottom feeder pilot group, you could include most of the regional industry in that.

Exactly! From the outside looking in, anyone that pft's and takes a job requiring food stamps should be on some kind of list. Maybe the idiot list. May you all enjoy your xmas buffet at the hotel.
Hell, anyone spending 100,000 dollars to get a 20,000 a year job would belong on that idiot list.
Exactly! From the outside looking in, anyone that pft's and takes a job requiring food stamps should be on some kind of list. Maybe the idiot list. May you all enjoy your xmas buffet at the hotel.

go browse the "corporate" forum.

It is like me going to a PETA forum and blasting them for what they do

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