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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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That's rich when Republic has guys flying in the right seat of the 190 that top out at $37 an hour. That undercuts everyone in the entire industry.

Ah shux, is that all ya got? Lol We are in negotiations now. Remember that our getting the 190's was something we got much later after our old contract was negotiated. Nevermind, that we put those 190's on our cert flying our own branded schtuff. I would see your point if these two factors were not in place. How bout getting past your very evident envy and hope that we do good in our negotiations and set a bar for others to follow. I don't know what airline you fly for, but you would be in the same exact situation had your company done this. We only can do what we can do and we are in the process of that now. I, as every pilot I know here, have not bid for any 190 flying. The company had to displace for the 190. Sure, there are a few on every cert that just does not get it, but I can't defend them. That is something they will have to contend with. Wish us luck and, of course, we appreciate the solidarity.
Yea and RJ stock is a buy? seems someone smarter then you has figured out that Republic is going to be around awhile.
Obviously you didnt bother to read why they lost money, Things like returning crappy CRJ's and returning leased planes. not to mention paint jobs and other costs. invovled with buying 2 airlines whats your company doing ? I dont know if we will make it but depending on other carriers to survive is something Mr B is not willing to wait for like others.

You are losing money on the "branded" side because your cost is above your revenue. Not flaming, just numbers. Lighten up.....and... don't drink the kool aid.
Better yet, why don't you go slander God somewhere else? See, there are both sides to that, my friend. Of course, I am one of them thar bible thumpin, gun lovin right wing extremists that are intolerant of other's poor behavior.

You forgot fat, white, smoker and bald. In addition usually homophobic but secretly has a same sex relationship. Extremely outspoken about taxes though you pick and choose when and which you pay. Which amounts to little and rarely. Complain consistently about fuel prices but you drive a Suburban around though you have no wife, children or passengers in your vehicle except for that occasional secret fella I mentioned previously. Complain about drug users though you are addicted to nicotine, caffein, sucrose, deep fried food and alcohol.
"Nevermind, that we put those 190's on our cert flying our own branded schtuff."

Really? Your own branded stuff? I never saw any "Republic" E190s.
Your point seemed to be that since the E190s were used for your "branded" flying, nobody else was hurt by your pathetic E190 wages. However, as I recall there were still YX pilots flying when the 190s showed up (not to mention the 300 furloughed). I'm sure you don't need to be reminded that the top of your E190 payscale was less than I got paid as a first year Boeing driver. I guess you view that as okay though because you were only screwing your "brothers and sisters".

I find sibling screwing a little disgusting, evidently you don't...
Do you really want to risk your salvation by taking cheap shots at God? At least you spelt God with a capital G so I guess I can give you that. What is it exactly that you have against God? For that matter, what is it you have against BB? You hate him for? If you insist on hating people, focus your energy on the Expressjet operation that undercut others to fly.

So reading comprehension isn't your strong point. That was a barb at the Bible Beating CEO. Chief Salvation Officer, The pious BB!

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