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PSA - Possible Safety Alert?

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J32driver said:
OH yeah.... If I catch an unsupervised/non-company pilot on board my aircraft, you are going to have to explain yourself to security and then your own Chief Pilot. TOOL.
Good point. Better let the TSA know there was a "PSA - Possible Security Breach" regarding N246PS, Monday night at DCA.
this little stick boy is probably some 14 year old that thinks he knows everything because he reads the forums on airliners.net. why dont you take the advice from some other people on here and let the FAA, Bombardier, PSA, and the crew know that they are all wrong and you are right you fukcing idiot
Stick Man said:
I believe that an a/c that will be left unattended for more than a reasonable amount of time (45 - 60 mins) should be shut down. APU and all.
Didn't you say it was unattended for 45 mins? This sounds like less than 45-60 to me. Now he's contradicting himself.
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Gawd, this is soooo much fun.

Some more quick points.

  1. I never enterered the a/c.
  2. I'm not 14, I'm 16.
  3. Still haven't received any PM's.
  4. For the most part (I hate blanket statements too - but there are so few exceptions), any a/c left unattended by qualified personnel for any amount of time should be shut down.
  5. I've had plenty of MEL'd APU's and I didnt go around crying like a baby (as I'm sure J32 has).
  6. .3 is still retarded - I've seen some of your prior posts and it confirms more about you than you probably realize.
I love this 5h!t, keep it going. LOL
By the way . . .

cxcap said:
this little stick boy is probably some 14 year old that thinks he knows everything because he reads the forums on airliners.net. why dont you take the advice from some other people on here and let the FAA, Bombardier, PSA, and the crew know that they are all wrong and you are right you fukcing idiot

posted by cxcap in 3/04!!!

"Hey guys -

First let me give you some background info. I just turned 18 a month and a half ago and recently received my commercial and multi ratings that my parents paid for. I have 262.7 hours total time. My dad is friends with some higher ups at mesa that were nice enough to get me an interview a couple weeks ago. Well, they called yesterday and offered me the next CRJ class. I can't wait to get started. I have always wanted to work at mesa and would work for free just for the chance to fly the RJ. I know some people say the pay is not the best so my parents are going to buy me a house. I wanted to start looking and wondered where would be the best place to be based.


P.S. - they gave me a $450,000 limit on the house so it can't be anywhere too expensive."

Son, I don't know where to begin. Please tell me this was a joke. 262.7? LOL what - do you have now? 605.2?
<desperately searching for treetops post>

I completely agree with Stick on this one. And a couple to add........

Don't run with scissors.
Use velcro instead of laces. (obvious reasons)
Be careful what you wish for.
Don't trust a skinny cook.
Shoot first......"query" later.

And a bit of advice...........I've never gone to bed with a fat chick, I have however woken up next to one. Always drink with a friend around.
Wow.. Stick is really stubborn. He won't admit his post was lame and inappropriate.

I suggest we all call him names in rapid succession until he capitulates.
That's right, stick ass, all you have to do is say you were wrong and we will let it slide. Here, I'll begin.

1. You are a douchebag.
Stick Man said:
UNSAFE. This is unsafe regardless of policy. This is especially dangerous when the a/c is in close prox to others, fuel is being delivered and total reliance is being placed upon systems and "redundant systems".

There was absolutely no crew on board - I watched them leave the plane and heard the inbound crew for the plane (45 mins later) call in-range.

Ted - I walked over to the a/c and verified that the crew had left the a/c (the CA had a flight to catch - I assume to go home due to what I heard on his in range call). I watched the FA and FO leave and close the a/c. The reason that I noticed the situation is because appx. 15 mins after the crew left, I noticed a blinking yellow light in the cockpit on the glareshield. My crew thought it was a fuel truck rotating beacon reflection. Then I noticed exhaust fumes from a running APU. That's when I walked over to the a/c, flagged down a Ramp Super and queried.

Poor - I talked to ops and no one responded back to me when I let them know the a/c was still powered up.

FmrFrieght - I am not second guessing the crew. I am second guessing the saftey of a decision or a policy you FUKC. I will worry about my own stupidity and continue to follow my better judgement and my GOM/FAR's in that order. Safety, Cerificate, Company is what I've practiced for 14 years. It's worked so far. Regarding "calling the crew out by tail number on a public forum is a good way to get someone in trouble with management", if they deserve to get in trouble - so be it. My allegience is not with the company or with management or with any pilot individually. It is with the pilot group as a whole. And the pilot group as a whole should always be on the side of safety as well as policy. I question the SAFETY of the crew/airline on their "procedure" or the shortcomings of the crew if it was an "error". If it was a shortcoming, I hope that bringing attn. to it will rectify this situation. You, my friend, if you believe that quality evaluation and assurance of performance doesn't belong on a forum, are the "Idiot". Regardless if the crew was indirectly identified or not. PM me and we can chat more freely about it if you want.
Why? At TSA we can "ground safe it" (APU running, NO Bleeds, Batteries OFF, Emergency Lights OFF). The APU will automatically shutdown if detects iny fault.
767200 said:
Why? At TSA we can "ground safe it" (APU running, NO Bleeds, Batteries OFF, Emergency Lights OFF). The APU will automatically shutdown if detects iny fault.
Why,indeed ! I guess the rest of us are just airplane-driver switch monkeys because we don't comb the entire DCA ramp for aircraft being fueled before starting an APU.Perhaps "Stickman" consults with ground and issues a NOTAM before every engine or APU start.He is truly a candidate for a$$nozzle of the century.If any PSA crew does suffer from his idiot actions,I hope they seek legal action against him.And punch him in the ballz.Prolly some Freedumb scab who washed out at PSA.For the record,I am a "Frank Was Right" alumni.Now "stick",have a big steamin' bowl of STFU.

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