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Possible New Fall Staffing Solution at ASA

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There are A LOT of people pissed off and bitter about the low time no pic pilots just hired. With Delta's posted mins being 1200TT, they basically are saying they'll hire whoever they want regardless of experience level. This tells me that by far, Networking is the most important thing you can do to advance your career. You can have five billion hours of PIC and a squeaky clean training record, but if you don't know anybody, you're just another face in the crowd. Doesn't sound fair but hell, life isn't fair. Find the nearest good ole boys club near you and try to fit in.

Who you know will get you there, what you know will keep you there.
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Just spoke to Delta pilots on the jumpseat the other day who said they have had several pilots not make it through training. I know the regionals had to bend over backwards to get some through in the last round. Delta gonna do the same??? I ran into one new hire who was on like sim twenty eight after being fired once and could not do a v one cut still even though it was expected. That person is now flying the line. No way that person makes it through training after the new media hype!!! Not saying "that person" is female : ).
Just spoke to Delta pilots on the jumpseat the other day who said they have had several pilots not make it through training. I know the regionals had to bend over backwards to get some through in the last round. Delta gonna do the same??? I ran into one new hire who was on like sim twenty eight after being fired once and could not do a v one cut still even though it was expected. That person is now flying the line. No way that person makes it through training after the new media hype!!! Not saying "that person" is female : ).

I know of a couple of female pilots who have actually started crying in the cockpit..... Crying... in the cockpit... because they're scared...

That makes you feel good.
I know of a couple of female pilots who have actually started crying in the cockpit..... Crying... in the cockpit... because they're scared...

That makes you feel good.

WTF seriously? I've heard of completely shutting down and just not flying anymore, but never crying.
I had a Captain cry on my once. She was having a reallly bad day.
I'll take a smokin hot dummass who can't fly her way out of a wet paper bag, over some Oompa-Loompa looking flying wiz.

The smokin one may kill me, but at least I'll die happy!!!

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