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Possible New Fall Staffing Solution at ASA

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Let's put it tihs way. Our MEC is not interested in the well-being of the pilot group. They are self-absorbed, and unless you are a reckless senior pilot, they won't do much for you.


I am pretty senior-and I am very pissed at these guys! Our current MEC has sold us all down the river! I am not a reckless guy-I really do think we should all be united against the corruption and graft we have seen from mgmt for many years. And PBS is just a sorry excuse for a reach-around...

I am truly frightened by the actions of our MEC of late-they completely let SH and CT break one off in our collective butts the last couple of years.... For what?! I am very fearful that we are seeing a few guys get very entrenched in power-to the detriment of our group. It sure as hell is starting to look a lot like the kind of crap Comair used to have .

-If any of these guys had any honor, they would fight for what is best for us-or just resign and be replaced with someone who would!!
What happened to the 3 months of parallel bidding that was part of the deal?

The 3 months were often mentioned during both the roadshow sales pitch and other informal meetings in the crew lounge, recurrent, etc.

Perhaps it was part of the PBS presentation. Yes, it was Planned B..ll Sh..t!
What happened to the 3 months of parallel bidding that was part of the deal?

The 3 months were often mentioned during both the roadshow sales pitch and other informal meetings in the crew lounge, recurrent, etc.

Perhaps it was part of the PBS presentation. Yes, it was Planned B..ll Sh..t!

VERY Good Point!

I remember all that from the road show as well! I have often complained that things were definitely given a very "optimistic"slant during this show..... If this doesn't come to pass, then I think we can call it an outright lie! It was made very clear to us that there would be at least 3 months of "parallel bidding." There was no gray area-no interpretation possible. The "parallel bid" was clearly promised to us by our union.

-These guys are on very thin ice. I have a feeling that implementation of this crap PBS agreement will be the last straw.
What is the point in parallel bidding anyway? Not if we hate it anything is going to change. We already voted it in.
What is the point in parallel bidding anyway? Not if we hate it anything is going to change. We already voted it in.


But at least we could learn our way around the system, and maybe figure out some of the pitfalls we would need to avoid. This was a big deal to me-I still voted "no," but I never would have imagined that we would soon be doing this for real-with no practice.
The schedulers are getting trained on PBS. They can't believe we VOTED for this and are laughing at how screwed the bottom 60-70% are going to be.
Email your reps, I know it's a pain in the but by letting them know how outright pissed we are is the only thing that might help.

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