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Possible New Fall Staffing Solution at ASA

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~30 furloughs are bypassing, Fall flight hours are not dropping off.

Solution: Rush PBS in by the end of August so ASA don't have to hire or run as many upgrades.

We all lost relativity by voting in PBS.

While I agree that we are short how does delaying PBS help the pilot group? PBS was voted for by a vast majority of the pilot group and want it implemented ASAP. As long as the pilot trainers are there to aid those that need it why delay unnecessarily?
While I agree that we are short how does delaying PBS help the pilot group? PBS was voted for by a vast majority of the pilot group and want it implemented ASAP. As long as the pilot trainers are there to aid those that need it why delay unnecessarily?
Could it have been rigged? Everyone I talk to say they voted NO...I did (No) is everyone else lying?
Could it have been rigged? Everyone I talk to say they voted NO...I did (No) is everyone else lying?

Have you talked to all ~1670 pilots? Apparently not as I voted yes and I am not alone by a long shot.
haha and now that worm sh is asking for voluntary vacation give backs from now til august, you fools. ct and sh should be fired for our manning situation
haha and now that worm sh is asking for voluntary vacation give backs from now til august, you fools. ct and sh should be fired for our manning situation

They did the same thing a few months ago and recalled all the furloughs. CT fell on his sword and took responsibility for his mistake. Until you have sat in his seat you are tossing darts in the dark. While I agree that we are short and needed to be hiring months ago OUR PBS system shouldn't be used as some form of anti mgnt pawn. The majority of our group voted this system in and want it implemented ASAP.
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Let's just implement PBS and move on....No sense dragging it out any longer...Better now than the holiday months....
Good news is that I have heard of 3 junior FO girls getting hired at Delta. Such a joke!!! The whole industry is fubar!!!

Do you know any of them? Didn't think so. What is wrong with this industry is everyone being worried about everyone else's business. "Mommy mommy, she got hired before I did! Whaaaaaaaa!"
You will be awarded a schedule in September pursuant to the way you have bid for one this month, PBS will be used to bid your actual schedule for October.
Do you know any of them? Didn't think so. What is wrong with this industry is everyone being worried about everyone else's business. "Mommy mommy, she got hired before I did! Whaaaaaaaa!"
I know one of them, and I'm still trying to understand why Big D would hire someone with low time/no PIC with no contacts over all the more qualified females or males for that matter. I know it's their playground just wondering why the change. I would not be human if I said I was not a little jealous and confused over it when you have waited patiently then get bypassed by someone 4-5 years junior. Last time they hired they were saying the magic number for ASA people was 500 pic to get the call. Staying positive I'll get my turn.

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