What I will find interesting is how many guys spouting off and saying "Grow A Pair" will vote yes when there job is in jeopardy. If somebody can replace my 85K a year job with 17 days off a month and 4 weeks vacation I would consider voting no. Please PM me I will consider all options. As for now what most of us need is time to get out. A year may seem like a long time. In this job market it's not.
In closing. I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, I ONLY CARE ABOUT MY FAMILY AND MY FELLOW PCL PILOTS. This deal is as good as it's going to get no matter what seniority you are at. Turning it down would only save Delta money, as the planes go to the lowest bidder and all the bonus money disappears.
In closing. I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, I ONLY CARE ABOUT MY FAMILY AND MY FELLOW PCL PILOTS. This deal is as good as it's going to get no matter what seniority you are at. Turning it down would only save Delta money, as the planes go to the lowest bidder and all the bonus money disappears.