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PAKISTANI sues JetBlue! WOW!!!

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brainhurts said:
You nailed it.

You people are missing the point! Your friend was not told he was a security risk! I give up on you simple mind, ignorant people! I guess the kool aid is sweet. Justice will determine this.
dukeaviator said:
You people are missing the point! Your friend was not told he was a security risk! I give up on you simple mind, ignorant people! I guess the kool aid is sweet. Justice will determine this.

ok.. apparently you're the only one that knows what really happened. instead of scolding everyone for not knowing, why dont you tell us what really happened.


The "friend" is telling us what he wants to tell. No proof of what was said. So we don't know, do we.

All I DO know is he is really taking a hatchet to his future career.

dukeaviator said:
You people are missing the point! Your friend was not told he was a security risk! I give up on you simple mind, ignorant people! I guess the kool aid is sweet. Justice will determine this.
Hasta la vista loser. Whats going to happen in court is JB is going to deny that the reason for not hiring the cry baby was because of religion and deny any conversation to that effect. (This is, of course, the truth) The cry baby will claim the "religion card" and with no supporting evidence, the case will be dismissed. The idiots on this board who hate America and love Islam to the point of denying truth, will continue to rant against JB, and the rest of us will forget it.
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I am going to place my bet that someone on the hiring comittee knew this guy back at Indy, or possibly somewhere else. Might go back years. Our "friend" was off his game that day, made a snide remark, bad joke, whatever. Somehow, burnt a bridge.

And, the guy on the comittee remembered.

Thats all it takes. Show me any air carrier that does not do the same. There are just so many qualified applicants (and I'm giving our "friend" the benefit of the doubt) that it just takes one gig to knock you out of the box.

And, to answer the question of "why would anybody file a suit unless he was sure to win", I bet this guy was hurt really bad, as we all would be. Nobody enjoys rejection. Not me, not you. So, he was really p/o'd and figurd this was the way to lash out. And once you get hold of a lawyer, who feeds you with all the great ideas, the ball is rolling. And, at that point it is tough to back down.

Thinking clearly with your big head is not a man-based thing. That's why there are so many divorces! :)

[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+2]'Moderate' Muslim leaders
link plotters, foreign policy
[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+1]British officials call group's open letter
'facile,' 'dangerous,' 'comfort' to terror
[SIZE=-1]Posted: August 12, 2006
5:00 p.m. Eastern

[SIZE=-1]© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com [/SIZE]
An open letter to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair by three Muslim MPs, three peers and 38 Muslim community groups, condemning British policy in the Mideast for providing "ammunition to extremists," has been sharply criticized by government officials as 'facile,' 'dangerous,' and a 'comfort' to terrorists.
"I have no doubt that there are many issues which incite people to loath government policies but not to strap explosives to themselves and go out and murder innocent people," Foreign Office minister Kim Howells told the BBC. "There is no way of rationalizing that."

The letter read:

Prime Minister,
As British Muslims we urge you to do more to fight against all those who target civilians with violence, whenever and wherever that happens.
It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad.
To combat terror the government has focused extensively on domestic legislation. While some of this will have an impact, the government must not ignore the role of its foreign policy.
The debacle of Iraq and now the failure to do more to secure an immediate end to the attacks on civilians in the Middle East not only increases the risk to ordinary people in that region, it is also ammunition to extremists who threaten us all.
Attacking civilians is never justified. This message is a global one. We urge the Prime Minister to redouble his efforts to tackle terror and extremism and change our foreign policy to show the world that we value the lives of civilians wherever they live and whatever their religion. Such a move would make us all safer.

"Whether we like it or not such a sense of injustice plays into the hands of extremists," said MP Sadiq Khan, who signed the letter and complained that British foreign policy was seen as unfair and unjust by many Muslims.
"As moderates we will do all we can to fight extremism," he told the BBC. "We hope the government will join us in this, not just by changing the rules on hand luggage, but by showing itself as an advocate for justice in the world."
Howell called the letter's linkage of foreign policy to the airline plotter's plan to kill thousands in the air with liquid explosives, "facile" and said terrorism cannot be allowed to influence the nation's policy.
"I think it is very, very dangerous when people who call themselves community leaders make some assumption that somehow that there's a rational connection between these two things," he said.
One voice in support of linkage came from Liberal Democrats deputy leader Vince Cable, but he expressed reservations over the Muslims' message, saying it could "give some comfort to the kind of people who say: 'Well, change your foreign policy or we'll blow you up'."
A spokesman for Blair defended the prime minister's record, saying "nobody could have worked harder" for an end to fighting in the Mideast. He noted, however, that the region's violence was longstanding and not due to policy's in the West.
"We should always remember that the terrorism affecting the West today has blighted Muslim countries for several decades," he said. "It certainly pre-dated our decision to support democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq and of course the September 11 attacks." The letter was also signed by representatives for the Muslim Council of Britain, the Muslim Association of Britain, British Muslim Forum and the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain.

This is what scares me. These are "moderate Muslims" who use these events to ask for the same thing the terrorists are asking for, while condeming/rationalising the terrorist actions. So now if you add the "moderate muslims" and the "extreme muslims" you get.................lots of muslims backing terrorism.
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dukeaviator said:
You people are missing the point! Your friend was not told he was a security risk! I give up on you simple mind, ignorant people! I guess the kool aid is sweet. Justice will determine this.

If he has a recorded conversation or an email saying what he "claims" was said, then give him millions. If not, give him this link http://www.infoporium.com/ he may need it in a few years when he looses his suit. Lawyers go through a lot of trouble to "prep" a client on what to say and claim before they go public.
dash8driver said:
I can't remember why I quoted you or if I meant to quote a different part of your post or even if I meant to quote you, but I do stand behind what I said. If airline management is so square and on the level, what is the reason for airline unions?

For some reason, this instance of an airline management's not hiring someone has brought out the "airline management" don't make mistakes crowd. Which is kind of funny, considering this forum and others like it are rife with complaints about airline management.

On a different note and unrelated to our conversation above, I think my wife hit the nail on the head today when she said that the possibility exists that JB didn't hire this guy for security related reasons, even though his background may be free of defects. Security in knowing that passengers would not get upset seeing "Hadji's" flying the plane.

I can understand their conscientiousness in regards to caring for the feelings of their clientèle.
Hung Start said:
I am going to place my bet that someone on the hiring comittee knew this guy back at Indy, or possibly somewhere else. Might go back years. Our "friend" was off his game that day, made a snide remark, bad joke, whatever. Somehow, burnt a bridge.
Hung Start said:
And, the guy on the comittee remembered.


Thats all it takes. Show me any air carrier that does not do the same. There are just so many qualified applicants (and I'm giving our "friend" the benefit of the doubt) that it just takes one gig to knock you out of the box.

And, to answer the question of "why would anybody file a suit unless he was sure to win", I bet this guy was hurt really bad, as we all would be. Nobody enjoys rejection. Not me, not you. So, he was really p/o'd and figurd this was the way to lash out. And once you get hold of a lawyer, who feeds you with all the great ideas, the ball is rolling. And, at that point it is tough to back down.

Your act as if this guy has never received an rejection letter before. WRONG AGAIN!
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