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PAKISTANI sues JetBlue! WOW!!!

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brainhurts said:
dukeaviator said:
represent yourself as a lawyer.

If you read all my previous messages, I made no statement referencing your statement!

Like I say, if some strange thing happened, and this guy has proof, then he wins. I am fine with that and I will admit I am wrong.

Stay Tune!

I do not think the company attorney is particularly worried about this case.

why should he be worried. He gets paid regardless if he wins or lose.
ok, Duke, I promise this is my last response tonight.

The McDonald case, I believe that was the hot coffee, yes?

Micky D's own franchisees had complned for years that the coffee was too hot. Numerous letters to headquarters were presented, from all over the county from the people running the stores. This was what got that case lost. I just have not heard a lot of bad issues with J/B's hiring.

And, the only real issue I have with this discussion, is that "if he wins J/B pays for his retirement."

That I say is BS. Hurts us all. And, it will not cure a thing.

Hung Start said:
ok, Duke, I promise this is my last response tonight.

The McDonald case, I believe that was the hot coffee, yes?

Micky D's own franchisees had complned for years that the coffee was too hot. Numerous letters to headquarters were presented, from all over the county from the people running the stores. This was what got that case lost. I just have not heard a lot of bad issues with J/B's hiring.

And, the only real issue I have with this discussion, is that "if he wins J/B pays for his retirement."

That I say is BS. Hurts us all. And, it will not cure a thing.


The only people who gets hurt are the people who don't comply with the civil rights laws and the American Constitution. Stay Tune!
dukeaviator said:
brainhurts said:
dukeaviator said:
represent yourself as a lawyer.

If you read all my previous messages, I made no statement referencing your statement!
Dude, you are a f'ing tool. I am saying you are coming off like a know it all lawyer--and you say you made no statement referencing my statement. You are wasting my time.
Like I say, if some strange thing happened, and this guy has proof, then he wins. I am fine with that and I will admit I am wrong.

Stay Tune!
OK, I will "Stay Tune" or as they say in this country, "STAY TUNED"

I do not think the company attorney is particularly worried about this case.

why should he be worried. He gets paid regardless if he wins or lose.
You are making up words to fill up space. Your point is lost because you are an Islamist sympathizer trying to defend this guy's assertion that there was a racial side to this non event. You will keep putting words here that mean nothing, as if filling space with nonsence will prove your point. It has not. By the way, it's "wins or loses". Al Queda needs a better language class in the mountains of A'stan for you guys.
FN FAL said:
Yea, it's only good to sue an employer if you're in the union and you use a union lawyer...cause it's for the greater good, right?

If a pilot was on airline property and was in good standing with a union, they'd have stinking lawyers on this so fast it would make your head spin.

I think a lot of people are either very naive or very two faced.

You are correct .... at least from what I have seen.

I don't know whether it's "good" to sue or not if you are "in" the union. But that is what would happen--provided the guy was off probation. And the union would protect him--but that's because he had a contract and the company would have to "show cause"

But unless this guy was in a "right to work" state, and I don't know if he was.... then the company can simply choose not to hire him; however, if he is able to prove religious discrimination or national origin discrimination, then JB would have to pay up.
FN FAL said:
While you're at it, ponder this for a second. Would someone knowingly wreck any chance they had at all for being hired by all the rest of the airlines by filing a civil suit, if they had a loser case or were just making it up?

Think about it, it can take a long time to get your case to court and even then the defendant has the right to appeal a judgement from the initial case. That could stretch out forever. Why would someone take on the risk and expense of a such a trial, knowing it would jeopardize any chance they had of applying elsewhere?

I agree with you on this. I wouldn't think that a rational person would do this... assuming this guy is rational, he probably has something to his case; also a lawyer probably would not take it.

Additionally, some people have suggested something popped up in his background check. If there WERE something there, I"m not sure that a guy would want that to come out in a court of law---I mean if something truly sinisiter were in one's past. I don't think many guys would risk this either if they didn't truly believe they were "wronged".

But, like many have alluded to, being turned down has happened to many people, probably most of the guys on this board; so there is not much sympathy for a guy who sues.
dukeaviator said:
MalteseX said:
I do not know this person either, but I do know he is the type of guy that sues a company for not getting hired
MalteseX said:
If you were told you were not hired because of you race, religion, ethnicity, creed, color, what would you do. Please, in your infinite wisdom enlighten us with your devine knowledge. Do you turn a blind eye....I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!

.... something that almost ALL of us have experienced at some time in our aviation careers.

Possibly getting rejected is part the game, but not because of the the reason JB gave him.

THAT says a lot about the individual.

The constitution and civil rights laws are afforded to everyone who were unjustly wronged by companies or individuals. Unfortunately, giving the US history, these laws are needed to protect us from this type of behavior. Past behavior pattern is indicative of future trend.

Getting sued does not make a company change policies ....LOSING lawsuits do. Evidently JB has been winning (or settling out of court).

You obviously don't know your history... In one example, of course there are others, United Airline was sue for discrimmination of woman and minorities. Walmart sued for discrimination against women. Settling out of court does not mean you won, it only means you have a greater chance of losing your case if it goes to trial. If you have to settle out of court, especially if one feels they have a case, you are admitting guilt...PERIOD!

Let me first address your condescending comments such as "infinite wisdom" and "divine" knowledge--- THAT says a lot about you. I'll let your comments stand for themselves. However, I'll just assume you are emotional about something, so I'll try to rationally address your points. (Although it is 0415 am)!!!!

1. If JB told this guy "we are not hiring you because of your race, ethnicity, creed, etc." I would in my "infinite wisdom" get it recorded and sue them. I personally do not believe that JB would be dumb enough to tell someone this. If they were, then they deserve to lose.

2. My post was based on the assumption that JB did not directly make the comments alluded to in the newspaper article. If this were truly the reason, then the pilot deserves to win.

3. I think we actually agree. I was replying to a post and making the assumption that JB wasn't actually dumb enough to make those comments.

4. I'm not sure what you mean by 'obviously' you don't know your history. I was replying to a post that said something to the effect of "suing makes companies change their policies"-- I replied that losing lawsuits makes companies change policies. Evidently JB has been winning OR settling out of court ( the word OR implies that settling out of court DOES NOT mean you win--and you stated the same thing) (along with something about admitting guilt which is not a true statement--PERIOD).

Still yet, the way I view it-- this guy was mad he wasn't hired and he sued. We'll find out whether JB discriminated based on religion or national origin. But I seriously doubt if they made those comments to him. He has to prove that in court to get a settlement. If they did, he has a case. However, JB has many people of that national origin and religion working for them, so it will be hard for him to make that claim. Therefore, he appears to many people on this board that he was upset he wasn't hired and ran to court. THAT says a lot about the individual.
dukeaviator said:
You people are missing the point! Your friend was not told he was a security risk! I give up on you simple mind, ignorant people! I guess the kool aid is sweet. Justice will determine this.

OK. Let's assume we are missing the point. And that we are simple minded. and that we are ignorant. Not sure what the kool aid is.....

Please tell us then, what is the point we are missing?

And please stop the name calling. You have a habit of doing this.
shooter said:

Next time do your own research. lazy @$$

All your "research" shows me is that Eric Rudolph was "associated" with AOG. In no way does it say or imply that he acted in concert with them or was in any way aided by them to plant bombs or to elude capture. The guy was caught eating out of a dumpster in the mountains of North Carolina, not hiding in the home of an AOG member... You stated he didn't act alone. You still haven't proven it. Conjecture. Look it up.

And what's the name-calling, dou(hebag?

shooter said:

Here is an idea, why don’t we stay the F#%@ out of it! They have been fighting for THOUSANDS of years, and here we come with our pimple faced 230-year-old punk attitude that we need to be everybody’s face.

We don't stay out of it because doing so would be to the detriment of one of our allies. Would you stand by and not get involved if your friend was being beaten by a gang of thugs? Nevermind, that's not really a good question to ask you because judging by the tone and substance of your posts, I strongly suspect you would not offer assistance, and let your friend take a beating. You seem like a gutless pu$$y...

Pimple-faced punk attitude? Dude, you need to pick up a flippin' history book...
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Originally Posted by brainhurts
Well, it would be great if they would step up to the plate.

Flyer1015 said:
Truth of the matter is, you won't see anything like that on the US media.

You just won't.

Why should Fox (or even CNN) waste their airtime showing an Imam who calls for an end to radical Islam and extremism ?

They just won't. Right now, they "have" to show the radical terrorists blowing stuff up, and extremists chanting anti-American things.

An imam could send a request to Fox News to go on air so he could get openly speak out against radicals/extremist muslims, but he won't be allowed to. Fox wouldn't waste their time with that.

Next, you need to realize that these radical terrorists/extremists, would want you as a Christian American, dead, just as fast as they would a Muslim American.

There were Muslims in WTC who died on 9/11. These fanatics don't care.

I honestly don't think it would make any big difference if CAIR got on TV tomorrow and denounced all radical Musilm terrorists/extremists.
Nor would it make any difference if hundreds of Imams also got on TV and denounced all radical/fanatical muslims.

If anything, it would make bin Laden hate America even more, and if anything, they would recruit even faster.

You may not see it on Fox News. You damn sure won't ever see it on Al-Jazeera. Kinda gives you an idea what the real "groupthink" is over there doesn't it?
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