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PAKISTANI sues JetBlue! WOW!!!

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Let's get back to the original thread.
This guy didn't get hired. I seriously doubt any professional recruiter would ever say, or hint, that it was due to race, religion or whatever. And, if it was done, I doubt J/B would ever condone it.
It was a job. Big deal. Move on. How is money going to fix that? Waa, Waa. Nobody would ever know who this guy is, until he files the suit and his lawyer gets the press. His reputation was never "tarnished" by J/B, seems his crack legal team did that.
But I have to agree, he screwed the old pooch on this one. No business thinking company is ever going to touch him now. Well, maybe Gulfstream,, but that's a whole different thread! :)

AirBadger said:
The founding fathers would be rolling their graves hearing crap like this. You act like you're a patriotic American but you refuse to have equal rights? Its not "PC crap", it's what this whole country stands for. Opportunity for everyone, fair shot no matter what your beliefs/skin color etc etc. I'm all for protecting this country, but this blind ignorance bull$hit has got to stop. Just pathetic.

But in this case, the guy got a fair shot and the company judged him to be "unfit" by whatever definition they have. He did not get hired, and it is well within their rights to do so.

Bad thing about it .... is now he will probably have a hard time being invited to any interview. He now has a "history" of being a troublemaker by filing lawsuits etc.
SWA/FO said:
Pakistani-born pilot sues JetBlue, claiming discrimination

A Pakistani-born pilot is suing JetBlue Airways Corp. for discrimination, claiming the airline rescinded a job offer and told him it was because of his background.
Associated Press Last update: August 09, 2006 – 7:25 AM

NEW YORK — A Pakistani-born pilot is suing JetBlue Airways Corp. for discrimination, claiming the airline rescinded a job offer and told him it was because of his background.

Faisal Baig, a U.S. citizen who was raised in Yonkers, claims in the suit that an airline manager told him in March that he was a "security risk.''

According to the suit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Baig asked, "Are you saying that you are not hiring me because of my name or my religion? ... Are you saying you are not hiring me because of where I'm from?''

The manager answered, "Yes, and JetBlue considers you a security risk,'' according to the suit.

Baig claims he was offered the job in February and had already received a ticket to attend the airline's training school in Orlando, Fla. The 40-year-old, a Muslim, had previously flown for Independence Air for nearly six years.

"I was devastated,'' he said. "I've been living in this country since I was 7, and now somebody's telling me I'm not a good American.''

A message left for a spokesman for the New York-based airline was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Baig, whose suit seeks an unspecified amount of money, is now living in Raleigh, N.C., where he is continuing to look for work as a pilot.

:bawling: maybe his background check is messed up? I've seen this problem before....someone that does not make the grade and they claim "its because I'm ........"

And now, after reading this, HR and recruiters in all airlines are scanning their databases to pull the application of this guy.
dukeaviator said:
YOU SUCH A JACKASS!!! Its clearly you don't know the this person, yet you flame him. I know this person personally and I can confidently say he is not a security risk, yet he would be a great asset to your company. Unfortunately, your remarks lets me know, Jetblue made the mistake of hiring gossip-jackass like you!

Furthermore, If Jetblue gets sue so many times, than maybe Jetblue needs to change there policies and rid the cockroaches who are in charge of employee services, starting with you!

I do not know this person either, but I do know he is the type of guy that sues a company for not getting hired.... something that almost ALL of us have experienced at some time in our aviation careers. THAT says a lot about the individual.

Getting sued does not make a company change policies ....LOSING lawsuits do. Evidently JB has been winning (or settling out of court).
Rez O. Lewshun said:
As long as the termination is with just cause..... Employers must operate within the law. In fact the law requires some companies to hire a certian percentage of minorites.

Your big word is freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. Didn't you watch Austin Powers?

Not sure where it says inthe constitution or Bill Of rights that it is an employers right to terminate without cuase? Maybe a state code. can you school me Mr. Right?

You have the right to run your business as long as it complies with federal, state and local laws. This is not a right but a legal and moral obligation.

Actually, I read your post as crybaby whining. I think the NBA has performance standards or competittivness. So if a fat guy came along and could compete, he might get a contract.

Unfortunately, in many states, employers can fire AT WILL if the employee is not covered under a contract. They do not have to show "cause".
j41driver said:
It's not being PC...it is what this country was founded on. If you'll remember history class, the Pilgrims came to this country so they would have freedom of religion. If you don't like a job applicant then don't hire him but it is absolutely not right to not hire someone or fire them based on their religious beliefs. Why? Because this is America!

Yes, the Pilgrims came to this country so they could escape persecution. And then they subsequently proceded to persecute people who did not agree with them as they became established in America.

The practice of religion (or lack thereof) should have no bearing in hiring/firing someone. However, in most states, unless you can prove discrimination based on religion, employers can fire at will (unless the employee or prospective employee has some sort of contract).
Irishav8r said:
Faisal is a great guy. I had the privledge of flying with him at ACA right after 9/11 and I assure you that he was as devistated as anyone else at the time. I am deeply saddened by the response on this board regarding ethnicity or how he had training issues. This is all not even the point. The point is. His background check was complete. He had received all of the official,"Welcome to the family" e-mails and was ready to go to class the next day. He had turned down another job offer, who by the way was required to do all of the PRIA checks as well, and committed himself to Jblue. This to me isn't about Jblue as a company. I admire their product and have many friends over there and I know that the great majority of you guys are top notch. All I have to say is that Faisal is also Top Notch! If the roles were reversed, I can't say that I wouldn't have done exactly what Faisal is doing. Not to teach Jblue a lesson, but to stand up for his rights as an American Citizen. He would have done nothing but Raise the quality of people at the airline as his concerns have always focused on safety and his great personality and ability to establish lasting relationships with the people he works with. Unfortunately, for Jblues sake, this is the only forum (The Legal One) where Faisal can stand up for himself and people have to listen to his greivances.

Sorry to hear about what happened to this guy. Lots of people defending him; sounds like he made an impression. Sounds like people are calling him a stand-up guy. Probably is.

But he is not the first and will not be the last great guy to get turned down by an airline. And I'm sure everyone considers themselves stand up guys. Someone does not have a "right" as an American Citizen to a job with ANY particular company. So far, the only thing we have heard is from a newspaper article. We didn't hear what happened in its entirety.

But the airline can hire who they want. There are many stand up guys who get turned down. Most of the people reading this thread has had to endure that disappointment and they did not sue. So it's had to have sympathy for a guy who sues based on getting turned down for a job (vs. fired after having begun). And there are many people who are unsympathetic to years and years of lawsuits claiming "discrimination" of one form or another.

And he most probably damaged his chances with other airlines by doing this.

I do not know the guy. We don't know the full story. But eventually we will if it goes to court. Bottom line is that many people do not have sympathy for applicants that run to court over not getting hired.
shooter said:
Do you think he was acting alone? You are wrong if you do. He was part of a group that does this and practices killing in the name of God. Are the others in jail? no. Are they planning more attacks on "sinners"? more than likely.

And of course you have proof of this? Facts please... Stick to the facts.
Whistlin' Dan said:
Kicking some a$$ in Pakistan and twisting a few arms in Saudi Arabia are a totally different matter...Would it make you feel better if they were killing them with GBU's and cruise missles? They're using what they've got...

The American Colonists did pretty much the same thing when driving the British out of our country. They used muskets and cannons when available, and shovels, pitchforks, and booby-traps when they weren't.

Put the crack pipe on the ground, and back away slowly.

Reference an example, please, of any of these happening. The entire WWW is at your disposal.
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