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Oil Prices Increase on Supply Concerns

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Unfortunately I'm right and you're wrong.

It's people like you that claim everything will be all right, that are the most dangerous.


People would rather go into denial than listen to someone like myself.

They'll label me as just another doomsdayer, conspiracy-theorist, chicken little, etc. and move on with their lives as if everything will always be hunky dorey.

These concepts are VERY DIFFICULT TO ABSORB MENTALLY. It causes one to reevaluate all their life's goals and dreams. This is not easy for anyone to achieve.

It's hard to be the bearer of bad news and that is what I am.

I'd like to say to all of you "I'm sorry."

I don't blame anyone for going through denial.

I wish in May of last year when I saw a link to the www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net site on here posted by flightinfo.com member ATPCliff that I wouldn't have clicked on it.

I wish after I read the site that I would have labeled ATPCliff a doomsdayer and moved on with my happy life. But I chose to educate myself.

I think you PCL_128 need to also educate yourself.

Because you are wrong my friend.

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jetflyer said:

Unfortunately I'm right and you're wrong.
Wow, with compelling facts like that, how can I argue? You have forever changed my opinion on the peak-oil issue! How could I have been so wrong?![/extreme sarcasm]

I think you PCL_128 need to also educate yourself.
Hate to disappoint you Jet, but I already have. Most of the respected oil experts in the world think the peak-oil alarmism is comical. If you did some reading on this subject from places other than your peak-oil alarmist sites, then maybe you would realize that you're getting all worked up over nothing.
I say bring on Iran. Bring on Venezuela and Hector Hugo Chavez. We just better win, have an INTERNATIONAL COALITION, and have a better plan to keep the oil flowing and keep the peace. Iraq has been such a collosal fudge up and embarrasment to the U.S. We can't let another Iraq happen, but we need to take action in the world.

So I say "Let's roll" :)

God help us,


I love it when civilians who have never defended this country and have never been one of the guys on the carrier battle groups decides to play real world risk w/ the lives of people he will never meet... it's not as easy as taking on venezuala or iran... you civy pukes will never figure that out. You've never been on the tip of the spear (or the shaft as we call it for obvious reasons) putting your ass on the line for some f-ing politician who thought they would "win" a war for their place in the history books... while the admirals and generals are forced to plan a war w/ limited rules of engagement for political reasons and hence having problems like we see today in iraq. Jet let me know if you are ever going to run for office... i'll post all your drivel bullshit on the usa today so you'll never get elected while I'm defending your ass and your right to write this bullcrap...

Market forces such as rising oil prices will not put more oil in the ground.

90% of the oil has already been found.

We're pulling it out of the ground as fast as we can.

This is a finite resource unfortunately.

Alaskan oil= Supposed to yield 1 million barrels per day for 20 years. The world now pumps 84 million barrels per day.

Oil Sands= Energy intensive. They require NATURAL GAS to get the oil out of the sands. Unfortunately natural gas in North America is close to its peak. Even if they can get an unlimited supply of natural gas from Liquified Natural gas imports from abroad, the best estimates for the oil sands production for 2012 is 4 Million barrels per day.

Not enough to overcome the declines of oil in other countries.

The problem is real and there is no easy solution. Everything must be done. Alaska. Oil Sands. Nuclear Power. CONSERVATION. Coal to liquid and Oil Shale to liquid production using CARBON sequestration to get out the bad stuff. Solar, Wind like my avatar, etc.

The doomsdayers say there isn't enough time.

Roscoe Bartlett, Maryland's Republican Congressman, myself, and many others think there is time if we hurry and make this an URGENT ISSUE.

Let's hope we take action and look back in the future and laugh at how dependent we were on the black goo and the middle east.


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tailhookah said:
I love it when civilians who have never defended this country and have never been one of the guys on the carrier battle groups decides to play real world risk w/ the lives of people he will never meet... it's not as easy as taking on venezuala or iran... you civy pukes will never figure that out. You've never been on the tip of the spear (or the shaft as we call it for obvious reasons) putting your ass on the line for some f-ing politician who thought they would "win" a war for their place in the history books... while the admirals and generals are forced to plan a war w/ limited rules of engagement for political reasons and hence having problems like we see today in iraq. Jet let me know if you are ever going to run for office... i'll post all your drivel bullshoot on the usa today so you'll never get elected while I'm defending your ass and your right to write this bullcrap...


Sorry tailhookah,

I didn't mean to offend you or any of the others putting their lives on the line for our country.

First of all, I will never run for office. I hate politics.

I will tell you though that if there is a call to arms and this country needs me, I'd like to think that I WILL go fight. I will volunteer like thousands on thousands of Americans did during WWI and WWII.

I will fight proudly like yourself to help keep the American dream alive for others.

Thank you for your service,
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I accept your apology... I've been on the tail end of the whip for over 14 years now and am still flying in the reserves where more and more of my time seems to be "required" by this country. I do it b/c i like it and i also need it... w/o pensions i plan on going for my 20 in the reserves. I took offense and am touchy on this subject. I've seen the political angle really screw up an operational situation. I've also seen extreme waste of our country's resources for purely political means that have no object other than "we're in it now and we don't want to loose face".... while we are killing americans and spending billions of dollars that could be going towards finding an alternative energy solution or helping out our own people for a change. So as I ramble here I say thanks for the apology and sorry i was quick to react...


I sent you another personal message that says more, but thank you for accepting. I also hope we can find more common ground in the future and that not too many lives will have to be taken from us.

Like you said, I hope we start to put some of the billions towards better use here at home for us and to get us moving towards alternatives.

The most sane conversations that go on about peak oil can be found at a wonderful blog that searches for the truth.

The blog can be found at www.theoildrum.com

It is the MOST popular blog on peak oil and has much more sane conversations than occur at www.peakoil.com Peakoil.com has a lot of doomsdayers and the group-think is very strong against any alternatives. They're all buying bomb shelters and storing up food and oil like Y2K people did.

People at www.theoildrum.com DO NOT believe that things will be as bad as Matthew Savinar from the lifeaftertheoilcrash site.

They do think the peak is around 2010 though. They think it is going to be an unavoidable historical event, and that if we're going to avoid SEVERE economic consequences we better hurry.

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From your above statements, I gather that you really believe that oil is an infinite resource. Last i checked, oil is the remains of rotting, compressed dinosaurs, of which there were a finite number. Which of course means that oil will run out someday.

Now, some of the things stated in these articles may seem alarmist. But tell me, what is wrong with conservation? Reducing emissions? Cleaning up the enviroment? Finding alternative sources of fuel and energy sources? Oil WILL run out someday. And yes, 'Global Warming' is in fact a real thing, just because it snowed today outside your house or Rush says it ain't so doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

A very good friend of mine is a chemical engineer at BP, and has been in on corporate meetings there. What Jet is saying is quite true, maybe you should open your mind and listen i little bit on this subject.

Wow thanks Rekks,

I don't think I've ever had anybody defend me like that on here about peak oil.

Your good friend at BP knows the truth. You know the truth.

In actuality only about one in about 200 or so Americans has probably even heard of Peak Oil.

The idea I believe has been suppressed so that the stock market will continue to go up and life will go on as usual.

Change is the only for-sure thing and we're about to see some change unfortunately, and a LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE PISSED that they've BEEN LIED TO THIS WHOLE TIME ABOUT WHAT THE FUTURE WOULD LOOK LIKE! (Like myself)

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