Nu,Heyas Super,
All you are seeing is the latest version of the DAL spin. It began way back when "they could stop ANY merger".
When RA came onboard to turn DAL into the "stealth NWA", it was "he's not here to do a merger".
None of them wanted to do anything with us (fine by me). But when it became apparent how toothless they really were in the face of management's real plan, they did the only thing they could do....roll over, run for cover (LOA 19) and spin it their way.
Check out their posts. They have always consisted with 4-5 carefully crafted "talking points". The truth? Doesn't matter....repeat something often enough, and it becomes "the truth". This is all right out of "Communications 101": At all costs, control the message. This is FDJs "official" a search on "Astroturfing".
You can tell when the message breaks down and they are operating "off script". The spelling errors, bad grammar, and verbatim "cut and pastes" from various, self-designated Illuminati from their webboard. All signs of frustration at losing control of "the message".
The really curious thing about the "Keep Delta my Delta" crowd is that despite what you think about DOH or ratios, a tall fence does exactly that. Everyone stays with what they brought. Their Delta would be their Delta for a long time.
The real question is why THEY don't want a tall fence after spending 8 months on this very forum telling us about how little they think of our bases, aircraft and flying. You'd think that they wouldn't want anything to do with us, and would be all for a fence (which some, to their credit, have).
But if you take even a cursory look at "their list" after 5 years, you will see why: a 4:1 DAL occupation in every WB seat and most NB Captain seats. Their fences are short because they KNOW that the top numbers at NWA will be long gone in 3-5 years, providing unimpeded access to NWAs WB flying, along with a lion's share of the left seats on the 757.
The garbage about "it's too expensive for the company to administer" is absolute, unadulterated bovine scatology. Find ONE pilot who gives a rats a$$ about what management thinks when his seniorty is being discussed.
They're going to go back to negotiate. A deal will probably be in between the final positions from the beginning of the year.
Any arbitration award will probably look suspiciously similar.
OUTSTANDING post and a great description of the implications of their "wish list" 5+ years out.