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NWA wants DOH

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I do get it. I am just letting you know how we see it from the Delta rank and file.

We are slightly disappointed that you guys are pushing the DOH angle. It is not cool but soon it will be all Delta pilots and we just approach things a little bit differently.As are we, in your position. A mid position between both proposals would be acceptable.

But good thing it is out of our hands. I am just about to go suck on a beer at some faraway destination. As I check out the babes at the pool I promise you I will not be thinking about you.I'm happy to hear your focused on other things.

It is not the Delta way. I am really looking forward to the joy on your face when it dawns on you that this merger was a great deal for you guys.
That is going to be my only satisfaction your happiness. So I care about the group! We at Delta care about the group. My pay check and lifestyle presently are endangered. You lucky you are about to get a really noticeable pay bump.After health insurance premiums and 70hr/month guarantee it's not that noticeable, but who's complaining???

Thanks for saving us, you have my deepest gratitude...:rolleyes: . The last few sentences should read: "ME, ME, ME AND MORE ME. THE EARTH REVOLVES AROUND ME, I LOVE MYSELF!"

Like I said, most of us realize the strength of this combination and are looking forward to being the dominant global airline.
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Thanks for saving us, you have my deepest gratitude...:rolleyes: . The last few sentences should read: "ME, ME, ME AND MORE ME. THE EARTH REVOLVES AROUND ME, I LOVE MYSELF!"

Like I said, most of us realize the strength of this combination and are looking forward to being the dominant global airline.

You are welcome!!;) And if you really believe all that mumbo jumbo about 70 hrs and medical eliminating your pay increase then you are in for a pleasant surprise.
I believe you know better and all that talk is just more of the same old Northwest seniority grab spin.
Imagine putting pilots from Mesaba on your list. You guys put the R to the word ruthless.:D
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DOH means everything.

To think that your time invested is more valuable than your fellow pilot's, working for the same company, is pure arrogance.

Don't take down a good company because of greed. We've seen this happen and it's not pretty.
DOH means everything.

To think that your time invested is more valuable than your fellow pilot's, working for the same company, is pure arrogance.

Don't take down a good company because of greed. We've seen this happen and it's not pretty.

DOH withen the same airline. I will never be senior to a Delta pilot hired before me.
During a merger it is a whole different story!
Do all NWA pilots act like the pay raise doesn't mean anything to them?

(enjoying my 99 hour paycheck)...

First off, you didnt give us a pay raise, we as a group signed off on the JCBA thus we gave ourselves a payraise, ALL of us. This Merger between OUR companies are why those increases happened right now. Does the pay raise mean anything to you? What was the point of the comment again?;)

(note: this is just me giving you a hard time;))Congrats on the 99 hour line, thats quite an achievement :beer:

Also the payraise was offset by increased medical costs and lower monthly guarantee. Dont get me wrong there are improvements for ALL of us, DAL included, but do all DAL pilots think pay rates are the end all of a conversation?
All in good discussion right? Cheers :beer:
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Nope you fought hard for it.
Really who cares. None of us are going to get awards for any of it anyway.
First off, you didnt give us a pay raise, we as a group signed off on the JCBA thus we gave ourselves a payraise, ALL of us. This Merger between OUR companies are why those increases happened right now. Does the pay raise mean anything to you? What was the point of the comment again?;)

(note: this is just me giving you a hard time;))Congrats on the 99 hour line, thats quite an achievement :beer:

Also the payraise was offset by increased medical costs and lower monthly guarantee. Dont get me wrong there are improvements for ALL of us, DAL included, but do all DAL pilots think pay rates are the end all of a conversation?
All in good discussion right? Cheers :beer:

No, but it means SOMETHING! Just frustrated by how so many people reckon it down to nothing by bringing up premiums and 70-hr guarantee.

I'm excited about it. As I am the many things you bring to the table.
No, but it means SOMETHING! Just frustrated by how so many people reckon it down to nothing by bringing up premiums and 70-hr guarantee.

I'm excited about it. As I am the many things you bring to the table.

As I stated in my original post, I'm not complaining. But it's not as significant as Speedbird would like to believe. He just uses it as spin for another reason to justify why his quality of life is more important than a NWA pilot.

Speedbird, using your philosophy, I guess you don't agree with DALPA's SLI proposal, huh? Reason being...NWA will have BLOCK HOLDERS in the 319/320 and DC-9 junior to DALs most junior 88 and 737 reserve. Isn't that a "seniority grab" as you stated in earlier posts? Can't wait for your spin on this...
I know you expect us to just rollover and get run over because we are a bunch of dumb Deltoids. It is not going to happen. We have always reached for the middle ground.

You are going to enjoy working for Delta. I already know that we are the nicer company and we are not fanatics about any seat. I do not want a B777 slot, does not suit my lifestyle. That does not mean it is not a highly desired position. Just not my thing.

Most of you are going to be thrilled at your new lifestyle and prospects after this merger even the 10 yr Northwest guy who gets put behind some Delta guy who was employed later than him. DOH means nothing it is all about the lifestyle and career expectations.


I am sure that Delta is a great place to work with fantastic opportunities.
Personally, I have always said felt that there was not another airline that I would want to fly for.
Northwest has always provided the best range of flying of any airline, including the freight operation. With lots of seniority movement coming in the near future, I was planning within the next ten years to be left seat on the 747-400.

Most NWA pilots are "very thrilled" with their lifestyle too, like you are and don't want that to change.

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