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NWA Straw Poll on TA

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YourPilotFriend said:
Vote YES. Sorry guys, I think if it's voted down, management will only over reach further. Plus this is an industry standard contract, the USair and United guys gave it up when the stand should have been made.

What the hell do you know about what should have been done? You don't know crap.
Let's face it we all were secretly hoping that UNITED or USAIR would die and that things would get better for those companies left standing. Well they lived and have now lowered the bar for the rest of us.

Yeah? Well let's see how low you go. Enjoy the DC9.
135Drvr said:
What I really think needs to be done is for ALPA to step up and say "Look, this is the rate for an ALPA Pilot flying equipment A and this is the rate for B. Now set your ticket prices accordingly! If not we'll shut down the country for a day."

Absolutely, positively could not agree more. Sign me and the 1230 non-scabs at AirTran up for the "Day of Shame" too.

After looking at the TA proposal, I have to say, this part of the proposal will bite you in the hindquarters more than you might think:

Redefine “Hours Flown” to pay scheduled vs. actual on a per trip basis, rather

than a per-flight basis.

On my last trip, for example, the first day went 38 minutes over due to T-storms and some problems at the gate ($76. I earned every penny of) . . . . but the last day, which was a Sunday, found us boogeying out of LGA early, and got in 14 minutes early. Under your TA, I would have been penalized $28. for getting in early! Or, I could have just slowed WAY down on that Sunday, so as not to lose money . . . . .

Smart move for mgmnt to ask for this? I don't think so, but what do I know? I'm just a lowly "yoke and throttle operator" from Sector 7-G.​

PS, the other 70 AirTran pilots . . . the EAL scabs . . . think "Hvy" is "right on" and are digging his posts. They also would like to see pictures of him in a "bannana hammock" whatever that is.

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Hvy said:
Let's face it we all were secretly hoping that UNITED or USAIR would die and that things would get better for those companies left standing. Well they lived and have now lowered the bar for the rest of us.

Yeah? Well let's see how low you go. Enjoy the DC9.

What, the unemployment line isn't low enough for you? Get your head out of your as$.
This industry isn't what it used to be. Pensions are gone, wages are in the toilet and if you have any travel benefits (even if you have to PAY for them) you can't use them because you're working 23 days a month and all the planes are filled.

Enjoy your "dream job" because if you think it's going to get better, you're dreaming. I'll find something else to do. Even a garbage man makes more than 50K a year and he'll be home every night and can shower the stink of the job right off. Can you say the same???
if the NWA guys would look at the pay rate they are only a couple bucks ahead of pinnacle airlines. They are below JB and horizens airlines. As a regional pilot seeing the TA and what happen with US Airways and Mid Atlantic, I would vote NO. US Airways eventually sold Mid Atlantic to Republic Holding, part of Chatauqua and those guys lost is what I have been told. I had heard the MD pilots filed a law suit because they were lied to.

Just food for thought before anyone vote NWA do your research.
... book color means a great deal. I think most of the Blue Book will vote NO. Many are young enough to find another flying job or a new career. Most of those close to retirement (Red and Green) will probably vote yes just to finish out the string. ...

Okay, gutshot -- The Spouse is green. And I don't buy your premise, above. Most of our friends and acquaintances at NW (Red, Green, and Blue) are saying they plan to vote NO.

Yes, book color can indicate proximity to normal retirement -- but not necessarily. We have friends of all seniority at widely varying ages. The Spouse has 12 years to go, but hopes to bail at the earliest fiscally responsible opportunity.

And as far as I can tell, nobody believes the pensions are going to hold up. To believe that, you'd have had to be asleep the last few years.
81Horse said:
And as far as I can tell, nobody believes the pensions are going to hold up. To believe that, you'd have had to be asleep the last few years.

anybody who believes the pension will survive is a fool. You only have to look around the country, not the airline industry, but all industries. Defined benefit retirements are under attack everywhere. To think that NW will somehow emerge from BK with the pension intact is naive at best.

The USAir and UAL pilots set a low bar that other airlines are trying to match. But I believe they only took such deep cuts in an effort to preseve their pensions. The rest of us have the advantage of seeing what went on there. No amount of cuts will save a pension.

Before you vote, ask yourself if this is the deal you want to work under once your pension is gone.
michael707767 said:
Defined benefit retirements are under attack everywhere. To think that NW will somehow emerge from BK with the pension intact is naive at best.

Just to clarify: the pension is already gone at NW. What remains is an agreement to freeze the plan at current benefit levels -- which is the same move being made in other industries. It's the security of the frozen plan that remains in doubt here, lacking any guarantees in the TA, and absent the federal funding relief legislation.

The TA offers a follow-on defined contribution plan, with a miserly 5% to 8% company contribution -- embarrassingly subpar in any industry, and far below what was expected by most NW pilots.
The TA offers a follow-on defined contribution plan, with a miserly 5% to 8% company contribution -- embarrassingly subpar in any industry, and far below what was expected by most NW pilots.[/quote]

And, if I'm not mistaken, the contribution doesn't start until AFTER they come out of bankruptcy. UAL was there four 4 years! Hope you've got a good investment plan, you'll need it.
81Horse said:
Yes, book color can indicate proximity to normal retirement -- but not necessarily. We have friends of all seniority at widely varying ages. The Spouse has 12 years to go, but hopes to bail at the earliest fiscally responsible opportunity.

And as far as I can tell, nobody believes the pensions are going to hold up. To believe that, you'd have had to be asleep the last few years.

I told the spouse when she was hired 10 years ago not to expect a pension so I agree with you completely. My spouse is also going to bail at the earliest possible opportunity. My point was, in general, Reds have the most to lose in liquidation, Greens the second most, and Blues the least. I think the vote will follow those considerations.

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