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Dan, you're such a hater!

Haha, that's good that you keep trying to say that
Really PCL ?
Ok who's arrogance are you talking about? Actual Swapa officers or who you see on FI?

wave, I don't think I've ever met another human being who's as much of an arrogant doosh as Steve Chase. Even you don't compare.
wave, I don't think I've ever met another human being who's as much of an arrogant doosh as Steve Chase. Even you don't compare.

I don't know PCL who was the AA guy who compared TWA pilots to Walmart and AA pilots to Tiffany's or some other high end store. Talk about stunningly arrogant and just flat wrong ( I seriously doubt you could find many pilots that think the AA pilots were any better than the TWA pilots). That said, is there a streak of arrogance amongst the independent unions? And don't get me started about USAPA!
wave, I don't think I've ever met another human being who's as much of an arrogant doosh as Steve Chase. Even you don't compare.

I think I get it. Arrogance means not willing to give you relative seniority or date of hire

Yeah, if you want to get personal with our individual SLI, we're all pretty "arrogant" by that definition
YGTBSM......you really believe that don't you. We show our ID and drivers license and go to the gate. That's the way it should be. It's quite possible it took longer than it had to because SWAPA put out a competing option. It wasn't as good so it didn't get selected. It would have been nice if SWAPA would have just supported ALPA's efforts.
Dan, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do some research please. SWAPA was simply the first union to partner with TSA to incorporate biometric data into pilot screening. The reason for that biometric component was it was in accordance with the 9/11 commission guidance on the matter. The TSA and the the House Committee on Homeland Security both mandated biometrics as a piece of the pilot approval process. SWAPA was not in any way pulling in a different direction than ALPA, they were both incorporating biometrics because that was a mandate of the pilot screening process. SWAPA simply had a working product before ALPA. Please look at this article from 2008 touting SWAPA as the pioneer in this technology.

A pilot from Southwest Airlines (NYSE:LUV) will be the first aircrew member to be screened by the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) using an advanced biometric screening system.

The demonstration project, which has TSA approval, is called SecureScreen. It uses biometrics for the positive identification of aircrew members to increase the security and efficiency of screening people attemtping to gain access to the cockpit of aircraft.

More than 200 Southwest Airlines pilots based at the Baltimore/Washington International Airport will be taking part in the trial of SecureScreen, which is scheduled to last for 20 days.

ALPA soon came around to a similar process known as CrewPASS debuted in June of 2009. Of course ALPA claims to be the pioneer in this technology even though SWAPA had been operating a program a year earlier. Please watch the 2009 video put out by ALPA touting themselves as the pioneer of this technology that SWAPA had already successfully demonstrated in 2008.


So yes, I really do believe all of that. And, I have provided factual proof to back up my assertions. You claim: "We show our ID and drivers license and go to the gate." But, we could have just as easily shown our ID and never reached into our wallets for a drivers license but simply laid our finger on the pad to confirm our identity in a much more secure system. The one and only reason the biometric solution did not get implemented was the bitching and moaning from the A4A that it would cost too much even though the costs were basically identical as I have shown in previous articles.
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I think I get it. Arrogance means not willing to give you relative seniority or date of hire

No, that's entirely expected. I wouldn't respect a union rep who didn't fight tooth and nail for his members. I'm talking about things he said that had absolutely no relation to the SLI. He's just an arrogant POS overall.
arrogant doosh as Steve Chase
He was a panzy a55 president that was pathetic. Now he could be an arrogant a55 to his fellow pilots. I saw that first hand in the jetway as he berated another CA for something fairly small. Steve Chase was nothing you think he was. A leader of our union he sure wasn't!
Howie, that still doesn't change my premise....ALPA was working for all pilots, we really don't know what the politics were behind the scene. I'm guessing it had less to do with either union and more to do with Government bureaucracy , but I simply made the point that maybe it could have gone quicker had SWAPA and ALPA worked together for all pilots. If SWAPA was trying to get a system going so all pilots could use it, good for them. I have to wonder if they were trying to get a system going that would have been specific for just SWA pilots though. There does seem to be a bit of Warrior Spirit all about us that comes from SWA.
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Howie, that still doesn't change my premise....ALPA was working for all pilots, we really don't know what the politics were behind the scene. I'm guessing it had less to do with either union and more to do with Government bureaucracy , but I simply made the point that maybe it could have gone quicker had SWAPA and ALPA worked together for all pilots. If SWAPA was trying to get a system going so all pilots could use it, good for them. I have to wonder if they were trying to get a system going that would have been specific for just SWA pilots though. There does seem to be a bit of Warrior Spirit all about us that comes from SWA.
You can't honestly believe that the TSA partnered with SWAPA to test a system that would have only been used to screen SWAPA pilots. SWAPA pilots were less than 1/10 of the 65,000 pilots working at US airlines.

The government bureaucracy was behind the use of biometrics, they had to be! It was directly stated as a portion of H.R. 1 (Public Law 110-053). The TSA was behind it, testing multiple systems. The pilot unions were behind it. U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security was behind it. The only group out of all the concerned parties not behind biometrics was the A4A. The only concern of the A4A is profit, not safety. The A4A lobbied hard to circumvent the the use of biometrics and nullify the requirement of H.R. 1 (Public Law 110-053) because they knew they were the group footing the bill and they worried that the safest option was not the cheapest option.

You continually try and paint yourself as a disinterested, casual observer with no adverse bias against all things SWA and it's a crock. You simply can't objectively look at overwhelming factual evidence and come to the conclusion that SWAPA and SWA actually were part of a smarter solution to a complex problem. I don't have a problem with your outright bias, you are only one of many, it is the preposterous assertion that the bias doesn't exist that is irritating.

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